501 |
What Makes Us Smart (Princeton University Press)
502 |
Pipeline as Code (Manning)
503 |
C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development, 6th Ed (Packt)
504 |
Thinking Better (Basic Books)
505 |
Assembly x64 Programming (In Easy Steps)
506 |
How to Hack Like a Ghost (No Starch Press)
507 |
Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery 3rd Ed (Make Community)
508 |
Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2nd Ed
509 |
Advanced Git, 2nd Ed (Razeware)
510 |
CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money (Wiley)
511 |
Python Microservices Development 2nd Ed (Packt)
512 |
Go Programming (In Easy Steps)
513 |
Conversational AI: Chatbots that work (Manning)
514 |
Learn to Code by Solving Problems (No Starch Press)
515 |
Introduction to Visual SLAM (Springer)
516 |
Go Brain Teasers (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
517 |
Android Studio Arctic Fox Essentials - Java Edition (Payload Media)
518 |
Domain Storytelling (Addison-Wesley)
519 |
Algorithms for Convex Optimization (Cambridge University Press)
520 |
Professional C# and .NET 2021st Ed (Wrox)
521 |
Python Distilled (Addison-Wesley)
522 |
Building the Data Lakehouse (Technics Publications)
523 |
Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, 4th Ed (Razeware)
524 |
Mastering Go 3rd Ed (Packt)
525 |
The Programmer's Brain (Manning)
526 |
Deep C#: Dive Into Modern C# (I/O Press)
527 |
3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook (Packt)
528 |
A Biography of the Pixel (The MIT Press)
529 |
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (Mercury Learning)
530 |
Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir (Pragmatic)
531 |
The Art of Statistics (Basic Books)
532 |
Reactive Programming with Kotlin, 2nd Ed (Razeware)
533 |
Python for Data Analysis (Murach)
534 |
HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)
535 |
Classic Computer Science Problems in Python (Manning)
536 |
Angular Cookbook (Packt)
537 |
Androids (Chet Haase)
538 |
A Philosophy of Software Design, 2nd Ed (Yaknyam Press )
539 |
Web Development with Clojure 3rd Ed (Pragmatic)
540 |
Make: Geometry (Make Community)
541 |
Software Engineering 2nd Ed (Routledge)
542 |
Scientific Computing with Python, 2nd Ed (Packt)
543 |
Back into the Storm (Independent)
544 |
Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack (Pragmatic)
545 |
Rust In Action (Manning)
546 |
A Day in Code - Python (Sundae Electronics)
547 |
Polished Ruby Programming (Packt)
548 |
Crafting Interpreters (Genever Benning)
549 |
Winter Becomes Spring (Independent)
550 |
Intuitive Python (The Pragmatic Programmer)
551 |
Haskell in Depth (Manning)
552 |
Move Fast: How Facebook Builds Software (Software Daily)
553 |
The Big Book of Small Python Projects (No Starch Press)
554 |
Modern API Development with Spring and Spring Boot (Packt)
555 |
Beginner’s Guide to Creating Characters in Blender (3DTotal Publishing)
556 |
Visual Studio Code for Python Programmers (Wiley)
557 |
Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (Manning)
558 |
Flutter Apprentice (Razeware LLC)
559 |
Expert Python Programming 4th Ed (Packt)
560 |
Zombie Scrum Survival Guide (Addison-Wesley)
561 |
Computer Graphics from Scratch (No Starch Press)
562 |
Programming in Scala 5th Ed (Artima Press)
563 |
Entity Framework Core in Action, 2nd Ed (Manning)
564 |
Learning Java Programming in Clara‘s World (Springer)
565 |
Beginning Rust Programming (Wiley)
566 |
Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift, 2nd Ed (Razeware)
567 |
Roblox Game Development in 24 Hours (Sams)
568 |
Ripple-Down Rules: The Alternative to Machine Learning (Chapman and Hall)
569 |
The Art of WebAssembly (No Starch Press)
570 |
The Computers That Made Britain (Raspberry Pi Press)
571 |
Programmer’s Guide To Kotlin, 2nd Ed (I/O Press)
572 |
React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices (Packt)
573 |
The Constitution of Algorithms (MIT Press)
574 |
Grokking Simplicity (Manning)
575 |
Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas (Packt)
576 |
Why Brains Don't Compute (Springer)
577 |
Learn Python Visually (No Starch Press)
578 |
Go Programming Language For Dummies (Dummies)
579 |
Smart Robotics with Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor (Packt)
580 |
Programming The Raspberry Pi Pico In MicroPython (I/O Press)
581 |
Murach's Python Programming 2nd Ed (Murach)
582 |
PHP In Easy Steps 4th Ed (Easy Steps)
583 |
Mastering TypeScript 4th Ed (Packt)
584 |
Python All-in-One, 2nd Ed (For Dummies)
585 |
Living in Data (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
586 |
Black Hat Python, 2nd Ed (No Starch)
587 |
Programming The Raspberry Pi Pico In C (I/O Press)
588 |
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms via Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed (MIT Press)
589 |
Distributed Services with Go (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
590 |
Testing JavaScript Applications (Manning)
591 |
C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D 2nd Ed (CRC)
592 |
Intelligent IoT for the Digital World (Wiley)
593 |
Mastering iOS 14 Programming, 4th Ed (Packt)
594 |
Kill It with Fire (No Starch Press)
595 |
ASP.NET Core in Action 2nd Ed (Manning)
596 |
Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook (Packt)
597 |
You Look Like a Thing and I Love You (Voracious)
598 |
GraphQL in Action (Manning)
599 |
Genius Makers (Dutton)
600 |
Micro:bit IoT In C, Second Edition (I/O Press)
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