Book Watch Archive
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# Article Title
501 What Makes Us Smart (Princeton University Press)
502 Pipeline as Code (Manning)
503 C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development, 6th Ed (Packt)
504 Thinking Better (Basic Books)
505 Assembly x64 Programming (In Easy Steps)
506 How to Hack Like a Ghost (No Starch Press)
507 Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery 3rd Ed (Make Community)
508 Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2nd Ed
509 Advanced Git, 2nd Ed (Razeware)
510 CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money (Wiley)
511 Python Microservices Development 2nd Ed (Packt)
512 Go Programming (In Easy Steps)
513 Conversational AI: Chatbots that work (Manning)
514 Learn to Code by Solving Problems (No Starch Press)
515 Introduction to Visual SLAM (Springer)
516 Go Brain Teasers (‎Pragmatic Bookshelf)
517 Android Studio Arctic Fox Essentials - Java Edition (Payload Media)
518 Domain Storytelling (Addison-Wesley)
519 Algorithms for Convex Optimization (Cambridge University Press)
520 Professional C# and .NET 2021st Ed (Wrox)
521 Python Distilled (Addison-Wesley)
522 Building the Data Lakehouse (Technics Publications)
523 Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, 4th Ed (Razeware)
524 Mastering Go 3rd Ed (Packt)
525 The Programmer's Brain (Manning)
526 Deep C#: Dive Into Modern C# (I/O Press)
527 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook (Packt)
528 A Biography of the Pixel (The MIT Press)
529 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (Mercury Learning)
530 Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir (Pragmatic)
531 The Art of Statistics (Basic Books)
532 Reactive Programming with Kotlin, 2nd Ed (‎Razeware)
533 Python for Data Analysis (Murach)
534 HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)
535 Classic Computer Science Problems in Python (Manning)
536 Angular Cookbook (Packt)
537 Androids (Chet Haase)
538 A Philosophy of Software Design, 2nd Ed (Yaknyam Press )
539 Web Development with Clojure 3rd Ed (Pragmatic)
540 Make: Geometry (Make Community)
541 Software Engineering 2nd Ed (Routledge)
542 Scientific Computing with Python, 2nd Ed (Packt)
543 Back into the Storm (Independent)
544 Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack (Pragmatic)
545 Rust In Action (Manning)
546 A Day in Code - Python (Sundae Electronics)
547 Polished Ruby Programming (Packt)
548 Crafting Interpreters (Genever Benning)
549 Winter Becomes Spring (Independent)
550 Intuitive Python (The Pragmatic Programmer)
551 Haskell in Depth (Manning)
552 Move Fast: How Facebook Builds Software (Software Daily)
553 The Big Book of Small Python Projects (No Starch Press)
554 Modern API Development with Spring and Spring Boot (Packt)
555 Beginner’s Guide to Creating Characters in Blender (3DTotal Publishing)
556 Visual Studio Code for Python Programmers (Wiley)
557 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (Manning)
558 Flutter Apprentice (Razeware LLC)
559 Expert Python Programming 4th Ed (Packt)
560 Zombie Scrum Survival Guide (Addison-Wesley)
561 Computer Graphics from Scratch (No Starch Press)
562 Programming in Scala 5th Ed (Artima Press)
563 Entity Framework Core in Action, 2nd Ed (Manning)
564 Learning Java Programming in Clara‘s World (Springer)
565 Beginning Rust Programming (Wiley)
566 Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift, 2nd Ed (Razeware)
567 Roblox Game Development in 24 Hours (Sams)
568 Ripple-Down Rules: The Alternative to Machine Learning (Chapman and Hall)
569 The Art of WebAssembly (No Starch Press)
570 The Computers That Made Britain (Raspberry Pi Press)
571 Programmer’s Guide To Kotlin, 2nd Ed (I/O Press)
572 React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices (Packt)
573 The Constitution of Algorithms (MIT Press)
574 Grokking Simplicity (Manning)
575 Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas (Packt)
576 Why Brains Don't Compute (Springer)
577 Learn Python Visually (No Starch Press)
578 Go Programming Language For Dummies (Dummies)
579 Smart Robotics with Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor (Packt)
580 Programming The Raspberry Pi Pico In MicroPython (I/O Press)
581 Murach's Python Programming 2nd Ed (Murach)
582 PHP In Easy Steps 4th Ed (Easy Steps)
583 Mastering TypeScript 4th Ed (Packt)
584 Python All-in-One, 2nd Ed (For Dummies)
585 Living in Data (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
586 Black Hat Python, 2nd Ed (No Starch)
587 Programming The Raspberry Pi Pico In C (I/O Press)
588 Introduction to Quantum Algorithms via Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed (MIT Press)
589 Distributed Services with Go (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
590 Testing JavaScript Applications (Manning)
591 C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D 2nd Ed (CRC)
592 Intelligent IoT for the Digital World (Wiley)
593 Mastering iOS 14 Programming, 4th Ed (Packt)
594 Kill It with Fire (No Starch Press)
595 ASP.NET Core in Action 2nd Ed (Manning)
596 Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook (Packt)
597 You Look Like a Thing and I Love You (Voracious)
598 GraphQL in Action (Manning)
599 Genius Makers (Dutton)
600 Micro:bit IoT In C, Second Edition (I/O Press)
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