This is the official guide to Roblox game development, and is aimed at game developers looking to take their Roblox skills to the next level. Following the Sam's Teach Yourself format, the 24 lessons are designed to be completed in an hour or less, and include step-by-step instructions to walk the reader through common questions, issues, and tasks. Q&As, quizzes, and exercises are also included to build and test your knowledge.
Author: Roblox Corporation Publisher: Sams Publishing Date: June 2021 Pages: 427 ISBN: 978-0136829737 Print: 0136829732 Kindle: B08SJCQQP7 Audience: Game developers Level: Introductory/Intermediate Category: Graphics & Games
- Build immersive natural environments using built-in terrain and lighting tools
- Model and import assets, models, weapons, and textures
- Code game mechanics, animations, and camera movement
- Design GUIs for store fronts, player HUDs, and interactive elements
- Teleport players between multiple game places
- Publish your game to multiple platforms with cross-platform play
- Attract players, monetize your game, and earn real cash
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Pro Database Migration to Azure
Author: Kevin Kline et al Publisher: Apress Pages: 352 ISBN: 978-1484282298 Print: 1484282299 Kindle: B0B924H21P Audience: Managers & architects Rating: 4 Reviewer: Ian Stirk
This book aims to give you a holistic approach to migrating on-premise databases to Azure, how does it fare?
SQL Server Advanced Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning (O'Reilly)
Author: Dmitri Korotkevitch Publisher: O'Reilly Pages: 497 ISBN: 978-1098101923 Print:1098101928 Kindle: B0B197NYD7 Audience: DBAs & database devs Rating: 5 Reviewer: Ian Stirk
This book aims to improve the performance of your SQL Servers, how does it fare?
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