You Look Like a Thing and I Love You (Voracious)
Friday, 09 April 2021

“You look like a thing and I love you” is one of the best pickup lines ever…according to an artificial intelligence system trained by Janelle Shane, creator of the blog AI Weirdness. In her book subtitled "How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why It's Making the World a Weirder Place", Shane creates silly AIs that learn how to name colors of paint, create the best recipes, and even flirt (badly) with humans.


Shane delivers the answer to AIs questions, including some you’ve probably never asked, such as: How can a computer design the perfect sandwich? What does robot-generated Harry Potter fan fiction sound like? And is the world’s best Halloween costume really “vampire hog bride”?

Author: Janelle Shane
Publisher: Voracious
Date: March 2021
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-0316525220
Print: 0316525227
Kindle: B07SC43RXT
Audience: General
Level: Introductory
Category: Artificial Intelligence


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Computer Concepts And Management Information Systems

Author:  C.P Gupta and K. K. Goyal
Publisher: Mercury Learning
Pages: 250
Kindle: B08CVSHKG3
Audience: General
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

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The Rust Programming Language, 2nd Ed

Author: Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: June 2023
Pages: 560
ISBN: 978-1718503106
Print: 1718503105
Kindle: B0B7QTX8LL
Audience: Systems programmers
Rating: 4.8
Reviewer: Mike James

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