The Lifecycle Of An Apple Developer
Written by Lucy Black   
Tuesday, 02 October 2012

Occasionally we see a cartoon that is just so true it makes you cry. Follow the typical Apple developer's life cycle and if you can raise a smile then you are clearly an Android developer..

Apple is a wonderful development platform - a good language, good tools and a good App Store to sell lots of copies of the finished product. It has only one fly in the ointment - Apple.

See if this strikes a chord:


Click for full sized version


The cartoon is from C-Section Comics which also has a poster version you can buy from Zazzle.


OK you may laugh (or you might cry) but what is the solution?

You can take a chance on anarchy or a dictatorship - either way you could make a profit or starve. The same problem occurs  whenever you sign up to use a big company's platform or API. As long as your concerns coincide life is good but as soon as there is a disagreement we all know who wins and who profits.



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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 02 October 2012 )