Zelda the Kitten and the iPad - Why iOS Programmers Earn More
Written by Lucy Black   
Saturday, 30 June 2012

As we have often said - we don't do kitten movies on I Programmer - except when we do. You need to look at this one because it proves the superiority of iOS and why iOS apps earn more money. It's all a question of the target audience.

As you might have deduced by now, Zelda is a kitten and a kitten that likes to play a particular iPad game - "Game for Cats". 


Notice the way the game play works and the leader-board that comes up at the end of the video:



The kitten belongs to Boing Boing editor Mark Frauenfelder and he notes that of his two kittens - Louis and Zelda - only Zelda plays .. well you've seen the video.

The question is why does the app only engage 50% of its audience?

Is at a gender thing?

Clearly iOS programmers are making so much money that they don't need to do the research to discover their lost 50% market.



Also if you look at the quality of play it is clear that there are many sub-optimal engagement features. With a video camera the app could track the kitten's eyes and introduce complex AI to keep the player engaged and in optimum track mode. At no point, for example, did the small dot ever manage to evoke a full two-paw pounce - although you can see it was close at times.

Given iOS programmers are so complacent as to not even provide a leader-board that a cat can relate to, let alone enter its cat name, it is clear that there is scope for other platforms.

Android programmers could appeal to the same audience and with advanced sensor use, built-in AI to track the gaze and generate optimum pounce targets it should be a winner. Then add some full 3D mouse emulation and....






More Information

Game for Cats

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 30 June 2012 )