Windows Phone 7 development videos online
Monday, 06 December 2010

Videos of sessions from Microsoft UK's community event dedicated to Windows Phone 7 development are now available to view online. If you missed the event which included demo-rich presentations about developing Silverlight and XNA apps for Windows Phone they give a chance to catch up.



Attendees on the day heard from speakers and MVPs from Appa Mundi and the .NET developer community including some of the top-rated speakers from Tech Ed.



To date videos of four of the twenty-minute presentations have been posted and here are the links:

Visit the DDD Windows Phone 7 Event site for details of the other sessions.    

Further Reading:

Getting started with Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 - Snakes on a Phone Part 1

Windows Phone 7 - using the Pivot control

Windows Phone 7 - using the Panorama control

Windows Phone 7 - the Bing Maps Control

Windows Phone 7 Go Faster resources

Free Windows Phone 7 video training from Microsoft

Mobile platforms of the world!

Windows 7 Phone - developer tools in beta



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Last Updated ( Monday, 06 December 2010 )