New Udacity Cloud Nanodegree Programs
Written by Sue Gee   
Monday, 06 July 2020

This week the Udacity School of Cloud Computing is opening its classrooms for a third nanodegree. The new addition, which prepares you for the role of Cloud Architect, is at advanced level. Udacity's two existing cloud-related nanodegree programs restart on the same date.

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If you are unsure about the career choice of Cloud Architect, or more specifically AWS Cloud Architect, then Udacity's makes a strong pitch to convince you:

With the global public cloud computing market topping $250 billion in 2019, and more than 80% of all organizations projected to migrate to the cloud by 2025, Cloud Computing is a massively growing business. Professionals with cloud architecture expertise, and the ability to design, build and migrate applications are in high demand. Cloud Architects are the drivers of an organization’s cloud architecture strategy, determining the best plan to build and deploy reliable, scalable, and secure cloud services.

It also provides the information that a Cloud Architect earns an average salary of $159,000.

So what does a Cloud Architect do? According to Udacity they plan, design the infrastructure for implementing cloud computing solutions and the choice of Amazon Web Services is because AWS is the world’s largest systems business.

The role requires a focus on high-level strategy including system design, security, and monitoring for performance and cost optimization. A cloud architect is responsible for identifying business goals and interpreting them as technical requirements to build cloud-based technical solutions. 

The new AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree Program is expected to take 3 months at 10 hours per week. Currently there is special deal which offers 3 months for the price of 2 with an extra 15%discount, which works out at $778 rather than $1017 for the 3-month period.

It comprises 

  • Course 1: Design for Availability, Reliability, and Resiliency (5 lessons)
    Project: Recoverability in AWS: Build a multi-availability zone, multi-region database and demonstrate how applications can use this distributed infrastructure and migrate your primary database from one geographical region to another. Also create a versioned website and demonstrate how it is protected from accidental or malicious disruption, with an ability to turn-back-the-clock when something disrupts normal operations.
  • Course 2: Design for Performance and Scalability (5 lessons)
    Project: Design, Provision, and Monitor AWS Infrastructure at Scale: Plan, design, provision, and monitor infrastructure in AWS using industry-standard and open source tools.Also use Terraform to provision and configure AWS services in a global configuration
  • Course 3: Design for Security (4 lessons)
    Project: Securing the Recipe Vault Application: Deploy and assess a simple web application environment’s security posture. Test the security of the environment by simulating an attack scenario and exploiting cloud configuration vulnerabilities. Also set up monitoring to identify suspicious behavior and vulnerable configurations and then remediate the identified misconfigurations. Finally, tie it all together by proposing a DevOps build pipeline that includes security best practices.

The best preparation for this new nanodegree is either of the two existing nanodegrees, Cloud Developer and Cloud Dev Ops Engineer, which were covered when they were launched last year, see Udacity's School of Cloud Computing for details and more about the general benefits of achieving a Nanodegree.


More Information

Udacity School of Cloud Computing

AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree Program

Cloud Developer Nanodegree Program

Cloud Dev Ops Engineer Nanodegree Program 

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Last Updated ( Friday, 28 August 2020 )