Apollo Graph Rest APIs Now GA
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 24 February 2025

Apollo GraphOS has been updated, with production ready REST APIs, a faster native query planner, and enhancements to the Visual Studio extension.

Apollo is a suite of of open source tools for working with GraphQL, which includes the Apollo Server and Apollo Client libraries.


GraphQL is a query language for APIs originally developed at Facebook then made open source with its own foundation. The GraphQL data query and manipulation language is database and storage engine agnostic. Options for using it include Apollo and Hasura.

A GraphQL query is a string that is sent to a server to be interpreted and fulfilled, which then returns JSON back to the client. With GraphQL, you model your business domain as a graph that represents the relationships between the various pieces of data that you have and the entities you're trying to represent .

Apollo's support for GraphQL provides a set of open-source and proprietary tools to enable developers to build apps with GraphQL. There's a JavaScript Apollo Server that can be used to create a custom GraphQL server, and a front-end client SDK.

The new REST APIs can be used to map REST API endpoints to their GraphQL schema using a declarative syntax, creating
queries that mix GraphQL and REST services.  Developers can use the declarative syntax in their schema files to connect GraphQL fields to HTTP APIs. GraphOS Router uses that information to talk directly to the API with no need for a subgraph. This overcomes the need to deploy a new subgraph service if a developer wants to add a REST service.

This update also includes a new version of the Apollo Router. This is used to serve API workloads, and the new
version 2.0 supports connectors and also ships with a new, native implementation of the query planner. The Apollo team says customers using the new router are reporting median improvements of ten times faster query planning, along with 1.9 times faster execution time and 5.5 times lower CPU consumption.

The developers have also released an improved version of the Visual Studio Code extension originally released last year.
The first release included syntax highlighting for all aspects of GraphQL, including .graphql schema files, GraphQL operations in TypeScript, and client-only schema extensions. This has now been improved with the addition of dynamic autocomplete support for fields, arguments, types, and variables in real time as operations are written.

The updated version of Apollo GraphQL is available now. 


More Information

Apollo GraphQL Website

ApolloGraphQL On GitHub

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