Cybercrime Security Forum Europe
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Thursday, 13 September 2018

The Cybercrime Security Forum is now in its 10th year in Europe and its next event takes place at the end of October in Amsterdam. 
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This conference is designed to be small, with no sponsors present during the conference so delegates get the benefit of small classroom style sessions where the expert speakers are accessible. The organizers promise no sales or marketing pitches, just 100% education delivered by some of the very  best security information and technology experts.

The agenda looks intriguing.  Sessions that caught my eye include For Your Ear’s Only: Voice Recognition Security Secrets Unleashed, in which Microsoft MVP and award-winning conference speaker Andy Malone takes delegates:

"through the mirror universe into a world of cryptography that you never knew existed. Banned algorithms, state control, international conspiracies and world domination, and that’s just in the first fifteen minutes."

Another session that looks good is on ransomware. Given by Security and Azure Specialist Sasha Kranjac it is titled The Digital Threat of The Decade (Century?).

MVP, and Founder and CEO of XEDUCO Institute, George Dobrea is giving a session on Advanced Persisting Threat style attacks. While APT was once rare, it's now much more common, and used by freelance groups hired by government agencies and organized criminals who take advantage of advanced toolsets. The Shadow Brokers and Vault 7 leaks, for example, included the source code for high-end tools allegedly developed by the NSA and the CIA, respectively, making them readily available  to anyone. Dobrea looks at APT threats and how AI and machine learning are increasingly used as tools to combat APT cybercrime.

Studies says that by 2021 the global annual cybercrime cost will be $6 trillion dollars. Yuri Diogenes, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft CxP Security Team, primarily working with Azure Security Center and Azure ATP, is giving a session on Enhancing your Security Posture to combat Cybercrime, in which he discusses how to enhance your security posture to be ready. The session uses a hybrid cloud scenario to demonstrate tools that can be used to protect your resources on-premises and in the cloud, including Azure Advanced Threat Protection and Azure Security Center.

Other tempting sessions include Along Came a Spider, which considers the rise and consequences of the zero knowledge cloud; and The Night is Dark and full of Hackers: Security Tips & Tricks from Beyond the Wall.

The two-day event is limited in the number of delegate spaces. If you register before October 29,  the first day of the conference, you can take advantage of a 20% discount by quoting code: IPROG20.



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Security Forum Europe 2018

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 September 2018 )