I Programmer Weekly puts all our news coverage together in a handy digest together with the week's book reviews and additions to our archive of new book titles related to programming. The list finishes with the latest articles - an explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity and an in-depth look at Android Events in an extract from Android Programming In Java.
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July 26 - August 1, 2018
Book Watch
This week's additions to our ever-growing archive of newly published computer books are:
Book Reviews
- C Programming Language (2e)
If you are a C programmer you will know the reputation of K&R. But have your read it? Harry Fairhead read the original 1978 edition and now reviews the latest 2nd edition - which is now a 30-year old classic. He awards a top 5-star rating, with some reservations.
- Black Hat Python
Although Alex Armstrong has some reservations about a book that could help cause mischief, he awards it 4 stars concluding: This is a good book if you want some fairly technical projects in Python and aren't put off, or better if you are attracted to, the black hat aspect of the presentation.
GitHub Removes jQuery. Why? Wednesday 01 August
In an almost super-human effort, GitHub has removed all trace of jQuery from its fontend code. This is interesting, but the real question is why? The most obvious answer is that programming is subject to the same whims of fashion as other technical disciplines - perhaps even more so because change is mostly easy.
Firefox Gets Time Travel Debugging Wednesday 01 August
No it's not anything to do with Dr Who nor H.G Wells nor a flux capacitor (Google them!). This is the best debugging technology you can get and it's coming to Firefox (we hope).
TypeScript 3.0 Adds Project References Tuesday 31 July
The latest release of TypeScript has been released. Version 3.0 has improved project reference support, a new 'unknown' type, and the ability to use tuples in parameter lists.
New Malmo Collaborative AI Contest Tuesday 31 July
A new AI challenge for collaborative AI using Microsoft's Project Malmo platform has just started on Crowd AI, a platform for open data science challenges built, and currently maintained, by the Digital Epidemiology Lab at EPFL in Switzerland.
Visual Studio Python Gets AI-Based IntelliCode Monday 30 July
Microsoft is introducing support for Python in the IntelliCode extension for Visual Studio Code, as well as new improvements in editing for Python developers in Visual Studio Code.
Imagine Cup Winners 2018 Sunday 29 July
This year's Imagine Cup is over and the winners who have claimed the trophy are Team smartARM from Canada with a robotic arm that uses AI technology to adjust its grip.
Google Docs Gets AI-Based Grammar Checker Friday 27 July
Google has introduced new features based on AI for its G Suite Docs and email products. Google Docs is getting AI based grammar suggestions, while business email in G Suite will get smart replies.
Instabug Analyzes 100,000,000 Bugs Friday 27 July
What can be learned from 100 million bugs from mobile apps? Instabug, a company that provides bug and crash reporting, has analyzed all the bugs captured since it was founded in 2012.
GitLab Adds Security Dashboards Thursday 26 July
The latest update for GitLab is designed to provide better security visibility, alongside contextual views, better code search, and improvements to the UX. GitLab is a web-based repository manager for Git that supports concurrent devops and issue-tracking.
Google Reveals Contact Center AI Thursday 26 July
At this week's Google Cloud Next ’18 conference, Fei-Fei Li demonstrated a new AI system designed to be the next generation of automated customer-service voices. Contact Center AI it is now in alpha and there's a form to complete to request access.
The Core
Android Programming In Java - Android Events Monday 30 July
Working with Android Studio makes building the UI easy with an interactive editor, but you still need to find out how to handle the things it isn't quite so good at - events. Even if you are a skilled Java programmer you are likely not to be familiar with events and now Android has multiple ways of dealing with them.
Babbage's Bag
Kolmogorov Complexity Thursday 26 July
This xkcd cartoon provides an ideal excuse to explain Kolmogorov complexity. It is an interesting topic and one that gets right to the heart of programming of how programming relates to ideas like information and entropy. This is a subject that still has lots of mysterious connections with things outside of computing.
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