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Complete Listing Of Web Server
The following listing also includes all of the functions presented in the chapter even if they aren’t used.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include <string.h>
#define Debug true
int initWiFi()
{ uart_init(uart1, 115200);
gpio_set_function(4, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_function(5, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
uart_set_format(uart1, 8, 1, UART_PARITY_NONE);
uart_set_translate_crlf(uart1, true);
return 0;
int getBlock(uint8_t buf[], int len)
int count = 0;
while (count < len - 1)
if (uart_is_readable_within_us(uart1, 10000))
buf[count++] = uart_getc(uart1);
if (Debug)
uart_putc(uart0, buf[count - 1]);
buf[count] = 0;
return count;
int ATWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len)
{ uint8_t SendData[] = "AT\r\n";
uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 4);
return getBlock(buf, len);
int getVersionWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len)
uint8_t SendData[] = "AT+GMR\r\n";
uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 8);
return getBlock(buf, len);
int resetWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len)
uint8_t SendData[] = "AT+RST\r\n";
uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 8);
return getBlock(buf, len);
int setUARTWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len)
{ uint8_t SendData[] = "AT+UART_CUR=115200,8,1,0,0\r\n"; uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 28);
return getBlock(buf, len);
int modeWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len, int mode)
{ uint8_t command[32];
int count = snprintf(command, 32, "AT+CWMODE_CUR=%d\r\n", mode);
uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count);
return getBlock(buf, len); }
int getBlocks(uint8_t buf[], int len, int num, char target[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (uart_is_readable_within_us(uart1, 1000 * 1000)) {
getBlock(buf, len);
if (strstr(buf, target))
return i;
return -1;
int scanWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len)
{ uint8_t SendData[] = "AT+CWLAP\r\n";
uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 18);
return getBlocks(buf, len, 20, "OK");
int connectWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len, char ssid[], char pass[]) {
uint8_t command[128];
int count = snprintf(command, 128,
"AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", ssid, pass); uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count); return getBlocks(buf, len, 20, "OK"); }
int getIPWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len) { uint8_t SendData[] = "AT+CIFSR\r\n"; uart_write_blocking(uart1, SendData, 10); return getBlocks(buf, len, 20, "OK"); }
int getWebPageWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len, char URL[], char page[]) { uint8_t command[128];
int count = snprintf(command, 128,
"AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"%s\",80\r\n", URL); uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 20, "OK") < 0) return -1; char http[150]; sprintf(http, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n Host:%s\r\n\r\n", page, URL); count = snprintf(command, 128, "AT+CIPSEND=%d\r\n", strlen(http)); uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 20, ">") < 0) return -1; uart_write_blocking(uart1, http, strlen(http)); return getBlocks(buf, len, 20, "</html>"); }
int startServerWiFi(uint8_t buf[], int len) { char temp[256]; char id[10]; uart_write_blocking(uart1, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n", 13); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 10, "OK") < 0) return -1; uart_write_blocking(uart1, "AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n", 19); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 10, "OK") < 0) return -1; for (;;) { if (getBlocks(buf, len, 1, "+IPD") < 0) continue; char *b = strstr(buf, "+IPD"); b += 5; strncpy(temp, b, sizeof(temp)); char *e = strstr(temp, ","); int d = e - temp; memset(id, '\0', sizeof(id)); strncpy(id, temp, d); char data[] = HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Pico\r\n Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n <html><head><title>Temperature</title></head> <body><p> {\"humidity\":81%,\"airtemperature\":23.5C} </p></body> </html>\r\n"; uint8_t command[128]; int count = snprintf(command, 128, "AT+CIPSEND=%s,%d\r\n", id, strlen(data)); uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 10, ">") < 0) return -1; uart_write_blocking(uart1, data, strlen(data)); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 10, "OK") < 0) return -1; count = snprintf(command, 128, "AT+CIPCLOSE=%s\r\n", id); uart_write_blocking(uart1, command, count); if (getBlocks(buf, len, 10, "OK") < 0) return -1; } return 0; }
int main() { stdio_init_all(); uint8_t buf[512]; initWiFi(); modeWiFi(buf, 512, 1); connectWiFi(buf, 512, "SSID", "password"); getIPWiFi(buf, 512); startServerWiFi(buf, 512); sleep_ms(1000); }
Adding WiFi to the Pico is fairly easy using the low-cost ESP8266 ESP-01, which connects via the serial port and makes use of AT style commands to control the device as if it was a WiFi modem.
In addition to an ESP8266, you also need a power supply capable of running it. The Pico seems able to do the job from its 3.3 output.
You can use AT commands to set the device into client mode and connect to a WiFi network.
While it is possible to use ad-hoc protocols, there are advantages in using TCP, HTTP and HTML so that other devices can work with the Pico.
The Pico can use client mode to download data from web servers.
It can also emulate a server to deliver data to any web browser or HTML-using client.
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