Twitter Is Best Tech Place To Work
Written by Lucy Black   
Thursday, 12 December 2013

Glassdoor has published the results of its sixth annual Employees’ Choice Awards and this year Twitter has replaced Facebook as Top Tech Company.

Glassdoor is a jobs and career website that collects information from  employees on hiring interviews, salaries and what it's like to work for a company. To be included in this year's Employees’ Choice Awards companies of at least 1,000 employees had to have at least 50 approved reviews between November 14, 2012 and November 12, 2013. Glassdoor uses a “proprietary algorithm” to produce ratings on a 5-point scale.


This year Twitter has a rating of 4.6, slightly lower than Facebook's rating of 4.7 when it was top of the 50 Best Places to Work list last year.  Twitter hasn't actually got this year's top slot but at number 2 overall it is ranked #1 among Tech Companies.

In this video the employees whose reviews helped it to achieve this coveted status explain why the like it so much citing, feedback, food and being able to tweet while at work!



Almost half the best places to work are tech companies (22 of the 50) and "social media companies" occupy three of the top five slots. 

LinkedIn, which like Twitter had a rating of 4.6 is at #3 overall and comes in second in the tech list. Facebook, now rated 4.5 has slipped to #5 overall and third on the tech list. Although Google had the same rating of 4.3 as last year it slid down the charts to #8 overall and sixth for tech.



This year Glassdoor has also produced a list of the 50 Best Medium-Sized Companies to Work For, that is companies with between 250 and 999 employees with at least 20 reviews from the work force. Here too there's a preponderance of tech companies.


More Information


Employees' Choice Awards

50 Best Medium-Sized Companies to Work For

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 December 2013 )