SIGGRAPH 2022 Videos
Written by David Conrad   
Wednesday, 17 August 2022

This year's SIGGRAPH, the most important graphics conference and show on the planet, took place last week -  take a look at the fascinating videos showing off the latest in graphics technology,  art and CGI.



Things seem to be getting back to normal with the first in person SIGGRAPH for a while - it all happened 8-11 August in Vancouver.

While lots interesting live events happened, for the techie the previews of the paper presented remain the most important insight into where we are with graphics:

First thing to say is that we could all do with the phone scan software that creates an avatar - notice that a range of expressions were also captured. The range of ways of damaging a creature also seem to have taken a step forward - the inelastic squishing should be x-rated!

The big question the video left me with was will building things using sound wave manipulation ever actually be useful? I guess it all depends on how small the thing is you are trying to make.

In case you were wondering, the almost traditional "rabbit" makes an appearance at around 2:45 and at 3:01 and again at 3:31 - whatever, happened to the teapot?

Of course, you can't really separate graphics from art and this year's art paper previews are particularly interesting:

Do you really think the first item, the animation using a slit viewer, could catch on?

And if CGI is what you are interested in, the preview of the Electronic Theater (a showcase of graphics for animation and visual effects), is for you:

Ah well, only 12 months to go before SIGGRAPH 2023.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 17 August 2022 )