SIGGRAPH 2018 Is Underway
Written by David Conrad   
Monday, 13 August 2018

Yes, it's that time of year again - SIGGRAPH the most important graphics conference and show on the planet opened for full business today and, as always, there are more videos to look at than time to view. Here are some of the most interesting.


First off we have the original research paper preview. This year seems to be the year of the neural network - check out the wolf at around 3:00

If you have a little, OK a lot, of time then the set of 30-second presentations of the research papers is worth the effort, but given the sheer number of them it is nearly 2 hours long:

The full research presentations are fun, but often the poster presentations are at just the right level to make you ask more questions. Here are some of this year's:

The emerging technologies section is always worth a look and this year the technology that I, and all glasses wearers presumably, cannot wait to emerge is the gaze contingent eyeglasses - put simply they focus on what you are looking at. Where can I give them the money? 

I'm not so sure about the weird taste simulator and the additional arm. These might take a bit longer to emerge.

Don't you just wish you were there?


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 August 2018 )