SIGGRAPH 2020 - The Trailer
Written by David Conrad   
Sunday, 17 May 2020

This year's SIGGRAPH is going to be very different for obvious reasons, but 2020 is still going to be a year with lots of new graphics ideas. The technical papers preview trailer is just out and it's unmissable.


Like so many conferences, SIGGRAPH is going virtual this year, but somehow given its nature this doesn't seem in the least bit inappropriate. After all, if Siggraph can't manage a stellar virtual conference there should be a lot of very embarrassed graphics people out there.

This year's technical papers preview trailer has just been released and there is so much packed into its 4 minutes it is easy to miss something - watch it more than once:

Of course what you find fascinating depends on your interests but the elastic geodesic grids looked like a lot of fun. I want to play with one!

And the yarn-level cloth is impressive, but why?

If you are puzzled abou the robust motion in-betweening it isn't just a man running around. If you notice the freeze frames these are the only supplied data and the in-between frames are generated.

The portrait shadow manipulation looks as if it could be coming to a camera near you very soon - I hope.


And I really want a hot-wire cutting robot!


There is a complete list of the papers being presented, but you will have to wait for the conference, which takes place from 19 to 23 July, to read them.

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 17 May 2020 )