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May 9 - 15, 2024
Featured Articles
Master The Pico WiFi: HTTP Server 13 May | Mike James & Harry Fairhead
Servers usually have to be encrypted but a simple HTTP server is a good place to start. This is an extract from our intermediate level book on the Pico's Wifi capabilities.
Compilers, Interpreters, VMs and JIT 09 May | Mike James
The distinction between a compiler and an interpreter is one that can cause controversy. One programmer's compiler is another's interpreter and the whole subject gets very murky when you throw in the idea of the Virtual Machine and Just In Time compilation. So what is it all about?
Programming News and Views
Linus Torvalds Over Flows On Overflows In C 15 May | Mike James
You may think of Linus Torvalds as the Linux guru, but he is also a leading expert on C and often ignored and misunderstood in this role. A recent exchange on the Linux Kernel mailing list demonstrates just how big the gap can be. And, yes, it's an example of Linus at his explosive best!
OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o, Loses Sutskever 15 May | Sue Gee
It's an eventful week for OpenAI, the research company dedicated to making advances towards Artificial General Intelligence that are both safe and beneficial to all. A day after it showcased its latest, multimodal, flagship model, GPT-4o, Ilya Sustkever, OpenAI's Chief Scientist and one of it co-founders, left the company.
Amazon Bedrock Adds Support For Anthropic's Claude3 Opus 14 May | Nikos Vaggalis
Bedrock, Amazon's fully managed service for building generative AI applications, has been enhanced with support for Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus Foundation Model.
GitLab Adds Google Cloud Integration 14 May | Kay Ewbank
GitLab has released public betas of the integration features with Google Cloud that the company announced in 2023. The integration means GitLab’s DevSecOps workflow integrates with Google Cloud secure Artifact Registry, security scanning, and deployment toolchains.
Stack Overflow Jobs Reborn In Partnership With Indeed 13 May | Sue Gee
Stack Overflow has launched a new jobs site co-branded with Indeed. It is intended to make thousands of highly-relevant job openings easily discoverable by developers. The job site is currently available in the US, but may expand to more markets in the future.
MongoDB Atlas Stream Processing Generally Available 13 May | Kay Ewbank
The MongoDB developers have announced that MongoDB Atlas now has support for stream processing. The news was announced at MongoDB.Local NYC.
A Swarming Bee From Festo 12 May | Lucy Black
The latest addition to the Festo Bionic Learning Network menagerie of bionic robots inspired by the natural world is a bee. Like the Bionic Ant from a decade ago, it has been designed not only look realistic but to demonstrate swarm intelligence.
Apple's Walled Garden Is Crumbling 10 May | Mike James
Or is it? Depends on which side of the wall you are on. Apple is doing all it can to keep control and more importantly keep the revenuse from its App Store, but from the outside it seems to be losing ground.
Celebrate eLearning With edX 10 May | Sue Gee
Until May 20th, edX is offering up to US$1,000 off some of its boot camp programs and 30% off other selected programs. This discount is to celebrate its Birthday - which is why the relevant code is EDXBDAY24.
Pharo 12 Adds New Breakpoint System 09 May | Alex Denham
The latest version of Pharo, the open-source Smalltalk-inspired language and core library adds a new breakpoint model based on the debug point system.
.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Adds TouchBehavior 09 May | Kay Ewbank
Version 8 of the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit has been released with the addition of TouchBehavior (previously known as the TouchEffect). The major release also has breaking changes for the Snackbar on Windows.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Essential C# 12 (Pearson)
Author: Mark Michaelis Publisher: Addison-Wesley Date: December 3, 2023 Pages: 1232 ISBN: 978-0138219512 Audience: C# developers Rating: 5 Reviewer: Mike James The latest edition of a highly recommended book that combines reference and tutorial material.
Book Watch
Programming Large Language Models with Azure Open AI (Microsoft Press)
In this book Francesco Esposito illustrates several scenarios for which a LLM is effective: crafting sophisticated business solutions, shortening the gap between humans and software-equipped machines, and building powerful reasoning engines. The book looks at prompting and conversational programming with specific techniques for patterns and frameworks. Concrete end-to-end demonstrations, featuring Python and ASP.NET Core, showcase versatile patterns of interaction between existing processes, APIs, data, and human input.
Elixir In Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
Fully updated to Elixir 1.15, in this third edition Saša Juric reveals how Elixir tackles problems of scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. This edition contains new coverage of working with application configuration and the latest OTP releases. It teaches the underlying principles and functional concepts of Elixir, and how each piece fits into the bigger picture of building production-ready systems with Elixir, Erlang, and the OTP framework.
The Ordinal Society (Harvard University Press)
This book sets out the case that we now live in an “ordinal society.” Nearly every aspect of our lives is measured, ranked, and processed into discrete, standardized units of digital information. Marion Fourcade and Kieran Healy argue that technologies of information management, fueled by the abundance of personal data and the infrastructure of the internet, transform how we relate to ourselves and to each other through the market, the public sphere, and the state.

I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.
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