Our weekly digest lists the week's news, new titles added to our Book Watch Archive and our weekly book review. In this week's first featured article Mike James looks at Recursion. Then, to mark the 50th anniversary of CP/M, the first personal computer operating system to achieve commercial success, we delve into our archive for the history of its creator, Gary Kildall.
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April 25 - May 01, 2024
Featured Articles
The Trick Of The Mind - Recursion 01 May | Mike James
Recursion who needs it? This is an extract from my book Trick of the Mind which explores what it is to be a programmer.
Gary Kildall - CP/M, Digital Research and GEM 25 Apr | Harry Fairhead
To mark the 50th anniversary of CP/M, the first personal computer operating system to achieve commercial success, we delve into our archive for the history of Gary Kildall, an important influencer during the early days of the microcomputer revolution.
Programming News and Views
Udacity's Offer To Recently Unemployed 01 May | Sue Gee
Layoffs, across the board from major tech companies to struggling small businesses, are constantly in the news. Today Udacity has announced a special offer to help the recently unemployed professionals in the U.S. gain new skills that could help them land a new job.
Google Reduces Support For Python, Dart And Flutter 01 May | Mike James
There are many reports that Google has removed people from its Python, Dart and Flutter teams and possibly more. What does this say about relying on Google as a source of technology for your projects?
OpenSilver 2.2 Adds LightSwitch Compatibility Pack 30 Apr | Kay Ewbank
OpenSilver 2.2 has been released with the addition of a LightSwitch Compatibility Pack designed to provide a way to run legacy Visual Studio LightSwitch applications on modern browsers. The open-source alternative to Silverlight is capable of running large, complex legacy applications, as well as newly written C# and XAML applications.
Microsoft's Cybersecurity For Beginners 30 Apr | Nikos Vaggalis
A free, self-paced course about Cybersecurity 101 is on offer by Microsoft's Cloud Security Advocates. It's a 30+ lesson curriculum targeted at complete novices.
Gemini 1.5 Pro Now Available 29 Apr | Kay Ewbank
Google has released Gemini 1.5 Pro with improvements including Native Audio Understanding, System Instructions, and a JSON mode.
Node.js 22 Adds WebSocket Client 29 Apr | Ian Elliot
Node.js 22 has been released with support for requiring ESM graphs, a stable WebSocket client, and updates of the V8 JavaScript engine.
Vesuvius Challenge Continues 28 Apr | Sue Gee
The Vesuvius Challenge is a machine learning and computer vision competition which started in March 2023. Its overarching aim is to read the contents of physically impenetrable Herculaneum Papyri burnt by fire and then buried under volcanic ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.
Grow with Google Launches Generative AI Course 26 Apr | Alex Denham
Grow with Google, in collaboration with MIT RAISE (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education), is launching a no-cost Generative AI for Educators course.
JetBrains Celebrates Software Developers 26 Apr | Kay Ewbank
JetBrains has launched a campaign celebrating software developers worldwide. The campaign is run on behalf of JetBrains IDEs, the company's range of integrated development environment products.
Two New Resources Tailored To Spring Developers 25 Apr | Nikos Vaggalis
Spring Academy Pro is now freely available and Spring Builders is a new meeting point to discuss everything Spring related.
Pulumi Adds Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Features 25 Apr | Kay Ewbank
Pulumi has added new infrastructure lifecycle management features to Pulumi Deployments, its deployments and workflow product.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Quick Start Guide to Large Language Models
Author: Sinan Ozdemir Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pages: 288 ISBN: 978-0138199197 Audience: LLM Beginners Rating: 5 Reviewer: Mike James We all want to know about LLMs, but how deep should you go?
Book Watch
The Death of Expertise, 2nd Ed (Oxford University Press)
Originally published in 2017 with the subtitle "The Campaign against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters" this book exposes a cult of anti-expertise sentiment coinciding with anti-intellectualism. Tom Nichols addresses how while technology and increasing levels of education have exposed people to more information than ever before, these gains have also helped fuel a surge in narcissistic and misguided intellectual egalitarianism that has crippled informed debates on any number of issues.
Code Like a Pro in Rust (Manning)
This book takes an in-depth look at memory management, asynchronous programming, and the core Rust skills. Brenden Matthews covers productivity techniques for Rust testing, tooling, and project management. He also shows how to sidestep common Rust pitfalls and navigate quirks you might never have seen before, along with suggesting strategies for navigating the evolving Rust ecosystem.
The Women of ACM-W (ACM Books)
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has more than 100,000 members, including trailblazing women who created ACM-W (ACM's Committee on Women in Computing) in 1993. This book, in the ACM's "Rendering History" series was published in celebration of ACM-W's 30th birthday. In it Gloria Childress Townsend explores the history of ACM-W.

I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.
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