The Women of ACM-W (ACM Books)
Friday, 26 April 2024

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has more than 100,000 members, including trailblazing women who created ACM-W (ACM's Committee on Women in Computing) in 1993. This book, in the ACM's "Rendering History" series was published in celebration of ACM-W's 30th birthday. In it Gloria Childress Townsend explores the history of ACM-W.


The first section provides a traditional history that details the evolution of ACM-W's projects. In the next section, the women of ACM-W tell their own stories, explaining what motivated them to trade personal time and energy for work that would change the face of computing for women and young girls. The final section of the book provides an annotated bibliography of the research that launched ACM-W and continued to inform its projects over the next 30 years.

Author: Gloria Childress Townsend
Publisher: ACM Books
Date: April 2024
Pages: 478
ISBN: 978-8400717727
Print: ‎B0D1H91K2F
Kindle: B0D18K7LBQ
Audience: General
Level: Introductory
Category: History


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