Our weekly digest lists the week's news, new titles added to our Book Watch Archive and our weekly book review.This week's top featured article is on Kotlin; Mike James looks at how to use a general Java library - Swing - to use Java code within Kotlin programs. We also have a round up of five AI code assistants from Gilad David Maayen.
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February 22 - 28, 2024
Featured Articles
The Programmers Guide To Kotlin - Using Swing 26 Feb | Mike James
At the moment pure Kotlin programs that target the JVM and make no use of Java code are are rare. In this extract from the book on Kotlin by Mike James we look at how to use a general Java library - Swing - to use Java code within Kotlin programs.
AI Code Assistants 23 Feb | Gilad David Maayan
Developers were quick to try out GitHub Copilot when it launched - but it isn't the only choice if you want AI-powered help writing and debugging code. Here's a line up of five code assistants.
Programming News and Views
JetBrains AI Assistant - A Welcome Time Saver 28 Feb | Sue Gee
JetBrains AI Assistant saves developers up to eight hours per week and they appreciate its help. 77% of users feel more productive, 75% express that they are happier with their IDE experience, and 66% are more satisfied with their workflow when using JetBrains AI Assistant.
Google Releases Gemma Open Models 28 Feb | Kay Ewbank
Google has released a set of lightweight open models that have been built from the same research and technology used to create Google's recent Gemini models.
SnapCode: A Java IDE for the Web 27 Feb | Nikos Vaggalis
Thanks to CheerpJ and WebAssembly you can now run a Java IDE inside your browser and local first.This is SnapCode, and while lightweight and in-browser, is to be not underestimated.
Apache Lucene Adds Similarity Vector Searches 27 Feb | Kay Ewbank
Apache Lucene 9.10 has been released with support for similarity-based vector searches. Other improvements include block join compatible index sorting, and several improvements to ensure the software takes advantage of the now finalized JDK foreign memory API internally when running on Java 22 or later.
Oracle SQL Developer for VS Code 26 Feb | Nikos Vaggalis
Oracle has recently introduced some goodies for developers working with VS Code. This is an extension that integrates SQL Developer within VS Code.
Google Donates $1M To Rust 26 Feb | Kay Ewbank
Google has made a donation of $1 million to The Rust Foundation. The contribution has been earmarked to underwrite the Interop Initiative: a new C++/Rust interoperability effort.
Meet Stretch - A Mobile Manipulator Robot 24 Feb | Lucy Black
Meet Stretch 3, an open-source robot that, according to its maker Hello Robot, heralds a future where versatile robots are in millions of homes. Originally introduced as a research platform, Stretch is also available for purchase by individuals and organizations interested in exploring robotics.
nginx Core Developer Announces New Fork 23 Feb | Kay Ewbank
One of the core developers of nginx has said he is no longer working on the development of the popular and widely used nginx web server, and is instead working on a new fork. Maxim Dounin released a statement saying he has quit because he feels nginx is no longer a free and open source project.
JConference January 2024 Sessions Now Online 23 Feb | Nikos Vaggalis
The talks presented at the 4th JChampions Conference which took place between Jan 25 to Jan 30, are now available for free on YouTube. Topics ranged from Code and Tech to Career Advice.
TornadoInsight Brings The Power Of TornadoVM Inside Intellij 22 Feb | Nikos Vaggalis
TornadoInsight is plugin for Jetbrain's popular Intellij IDE for Java developers, that makes working with TornadoVM a much smoother experience.
Microsoft Introduces SharePoint Embedded VSCode Extension 22 Feb | Mike James
Microsoft has released a preview version of a SharePoint Embedded Visual Studio Code extension, describing it as a new tool for developers who want to get started with SharePoint Embedded application development.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
T-SQL Fundamentals (Microsoft Press)
Author: Itzik Ben-Gan Publisher: Microsoft Press Pages: 608 ISBN: 978-0138102104 Audience: T-SQL developers Rating: 5 Reviewer: Kay Ewbank
Itzik Ben-Gan is a highly respected Microsoft Data Platform MVP, and the earlier editions of this book were already very good. This edition has been updated to cover recent versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2022, and Azure SQL Database.
Book Watch
Introduction to Intelligent Systems, Control, and Machine Learning using MATLAB (Cambridge University Press)
This project-based introductory textbook covers the foundations of intelligent systems, machine learning, and control. Marco P. Schoen provides introductions to core topics in fuzzy logic, neural networks, optimization, deep learning, and machine learning, avoid the use of complex mathematical proofs, supported by 70 examples. 180 open-ended review questions support self-review and class discussion, 120 end-of-chapter problems cement student understanding, and 20 hands-on Arduino assignments connect theory to practice, supported by downloadable Matlab and Simulink code.
Read Write Own (Random House)
In this book Chris Dixon argues that in the past decade the Internet has fallen almost entirely under the control of a very small group of companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook. However, he says that the dream of an open network for fostering creativity and entrepreneurship doesn't have to die and can, in fact, be saved with blockchain networks.
Raspberry Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero, 2nd Ed (I/O Press)
The Raspberry Pi makes an ideal match for the Internet of Things, and the GPIO Zero library is the official way to use Python with the GPIO and other devices. In this book Harry Fairhead and Mike James look at how to use it to interface to fundamental IoT devices – from LEDs and buzzers to servos and stepper motors and several off-the-shelf Raspberry Pi add-ons.

I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.
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