Meet Stretch - A Mobile Manipulator Robot
Written by Lucy Black   
Saturday, 24 February 2024

Meet Stretch 3, an open-source robot that, according to its maker Hello Robot, heralds a future where versatile robots are in millions of homes. Originally introduced as a research platform, Stretch is also available for purchase by individuals and organizations interested in exploring robotics.

Robots come in all shapes and sizes, but when we think about domestic robots we have a tendency to focus on humanoid robots that they look and behave like us. This isn't a necessary prerequisite and Hello Robot want to convince us that Stretch can have useful roles around the home while looking like an upright weighing scale on a wheeled base with a curious extension at the end of a telescopic bar.

stretch3 1

Hello Robot describes Stretch 3 as a mobile manipulator and it is the gripper on the end of its extensible arm that gives it the ability to pick up objects and then hand them out - making bar tender one possible role.

As this video sets of to demonstrate, Stretch 3 can be controlled from anywhere thanks to its web Interface and two fish-eye cameras.


One of Stretch's key features is its open-source software while allows developers and researchers to freely access and modify the code that controls the robot, enabling them to create new functionalities and applications.

The capabilities of the latest version, Stretch 3, released in February 2024 are:

Navigation: Stretch can move around its environment autonomously using various sensors like LiDAR and cameras.

Manipulation: The robotic arm allows it to grasp and move objects.

Programming: You can program Stretch using ROS 2

This video highlights the new features:

Hello Robot is committed to a future in which robots like Stretch enhance life for everyone and being open source furthers this aim. While Stretch 3 is available to purchase, at nearly $25K it is a stretch to see it as a commercial product.


More Information

Introducing Stretch 3

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 February 2024 )