Programming the ESP32 In C Using the Arduino Library (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 18 December 2024

This book reveals what you can do with the ESP32's GPIO lines together with widely used sensors, servos and motors and ADCs. After covering the GPIO, outputs and inputs, events and interrupts, Harry Fairhead gives you hands-on experience of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), the SPI bus, the I2C bus and the 1-Wire bus, the UARTs and, of course, WiFi. To round out, Harry covers direct access to the hardware, adding an SD Card reader, sleep states to save power, the RTC, RMT and touch sensors. He also devotes a chapter to FreeRTOS which takes us into the realm of asynchronous processing.

<ASIN:1871962927 >


Author: Harry Fairhead
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: December 2024
Pages: 370
ISBN: 978-1871962925
Print: 1871962927
Kindle: B0DHKT342W
Audience: Hackers and professionals 
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Hardware platforms and C/C++ 


Companion volume to Programming The ESP32 In C Using The Espressif IDF and Programming the ESP32 in MicroPython.

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HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: In Easy Steps
Date: July 2020
Pages: 480
ISBN: 978-1840788785
Print: 184078878X
Kindle: B08FBGXGF1
Audience: would-be web developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer Mike James
The three core web technologies in a single book.

React Programming

Author: Loren Klingman and Ashley Parker
Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides
Date: April 2023
Audience: Front end devs
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Elliot
React is difficult to master, so a book can really help.

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