Programming The ESP32 In C Using The Espressif IDF (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 23 October 2024

This book reveals what you can do with the EspressIf ESP32's GPIO lines together with widely used sensors, servos and motors and ADCs. Harry Fairhead uses C as the ideal choice of language to program the ESP32, ensuring that your programs are fast and efficient, and here it is used with the Espressif IoT Development Framework, ESP-IDF and VS Code, a combination which makes it simple to get started and provides a wealth of functions not found elsewhere.

<ASIN:1871962919 >

After covering the GPIO, outputs and inputs, events and interrupts, Harry gives you hands-on experience of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), PWM for Motor control, the SPI bus, the I2C bus and the 1-Wire bus, the UARTs and of course WiFi. To round out, it covers direct access to the hardware, adding an SD Card reader, sleep states to save power, the RTC, RMT and touch sensors. It also devotes a chapter to FreeRTOS which takes us into the realm of asynchronous processing.

Author: Harry Fairhead
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: October 2024
Pages: 445
ISBN: 978-1871962918
Print: 1871962919
Kindle: B0DKB5JPDD
Audience: C developers interested in the IoT
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Category: Hardware platforms and C/C++


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