Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Wednesday, 05 September 2018

The subtitle of this book is Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun, and author Dave Thomas (of The Pragmatic Programmer) aims to explore functional programming without the academic overtones. The book shows how to create concurrent applications that work without all the locking and consistency headaches. Elixir is a modern, functional, concurrent language built on the Erlang VM. Elixir's pragmatic syntax and built-in support for metaprogramming will make you productive and keep you interested for the long haul. This edition is fully updated with all the new features of Elixir 1.6, with a new chapter on structuring OTP applications, and new sections on the debugger, code formatter, Distillery, and protocols



Author: Dave Thomas
Publisher: O'Reilly
Date: June 2018
Pages: 398
ISBN: 978-1680502992
Print: 1680502999
Kindle: B07DP8Y2GJ
Audience: Functional programmers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Methodology and Other Languages 


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