Book Watch Archive
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# Article Title
201 3D Printing (For Dummies)
202 Query: Getting Information from Data with the Wolfram Language (Wolfram Media)
203 Microsoft Azure Storage (Microsoft Press)
204 The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived (Public Affairs)
205 Driving Value with Sprint Goals (Addison-Wesley)
206 Functional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices (Addison-Wesley)
207 Coding with the micro:bit (In Easy Steps)
208 Pro ASP.NET Core 7, 10th Ed (Manning)
209 Software Requirements Essentials (Addison-Wesley)
210 Code to Joy (MIT Press)
211 Essential TypeScript 5, 3rd Ed (Manning)
212 Machine Learning Engineering with Python, 2nd Ed (Packt)
213 Quantum Computing (For Dummies)
214 Extending & Embedding Python Using C (I/O Press)
215 ASP.NET Core in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
216 Unsupervised (Wiley)
217 Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous (Addison-Wesley)
218 Persistence Best Practices for Java Applications (Packt)
219 Excel VBA, 4th Ed (In Easy Steps)
220 The AWK Programming Language 2nd Ed (Addison-Wesley)
221 React Quickly, 2nd Ed (Manning)
222 Virtual Natives (Wiley)
223 Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models (Packt)
224 Effective Haskell (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
225 Security in Computing, 6th Ed (Addison-Wesley)
226 .NET MAUI in Action (Manning)
227 SQL Server 2022 Administration Inside Out (Microsoft Press)
228 The Tiger and the Rabbit (Wiley)
229 Functional Programming in Java (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
230 ChatGPT (For Dummies)
231 The Hidden Potential of DNS In Security (Infoblox)
232 The Well-Grounded Python Developer (Manning)
233 Pro SQL Server 2022 Wait Statistics, 3rd Ed (APress)
234 Crimes Against Data (Technics Publications)
235 Robotics, Vision and Control (Springer)
236 Learning PyTorch 2.0 (GitforGits)
237 Visual Basic, 7th Ed (Easy Steps)
238 Azure SQL Hyperscale Revealed (Apress)
239 Telling Stories with Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
240 Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny (Fast Company Press)
241 Shipping Go (Manning)
242 Svelte with Test-Driven Development (Packt)
243 Beyond Everywhere (Post Hill Press)
244 Python How-To (Manning)
245 Machine Learning with R, 4th Ed (Packt)
246 Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, 4th Ed (Kodeco)
247 Graph Data Modeling in Python (Packt)
248 Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 3rd Ed (WIley)
249 Pearls of Algorithm Engineering (Cambridge University Press)
250 Logic Pro, 3rd Ed (For Dummies)
251 An Introduction to R and Python for Data Analysis (CRC Press)
252 Making a Metaverse That Matters (Wiley)
253 Fast Python (Manning)
254 Go Fundamentals (Addison-Wesley)
255 How I Rob Banks (Wiley)
256 SQL Server 2022 for Developers (Murach)
257 Robotics, Vision and Control, 3rd Ed (Springer)
258 The Creative Programmer (Manning)
259 Programming the ESP32 in MicroPython (I/O Press)
260 Black Hat GraphQL (No Starch Press)
261 Creating Video Games Using PyGame (Green Belt Books)
262 Oracle PL/SQL by Example, 6th Ed (The Oracle Press)
263 Functional Programming in Scala 2nd Ed (Manning)
264 Grateful Geek (Tavo Reno Publishing)
265 Agile Web Development with Rails 7 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
266 SQL: Advanced SQL Query Optimization Techniques (Ladoo Publishing)
267 Wild West to Agile (Addison-Wesley)
268 Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core (Manning)
269 Fancy Bear Goes Phishing (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
270 Mathematics of Deep Learning: An Introduction (De Gruyter)
271 Parallel and High Performance Programming with Python (AVA)
272 Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK (Springer)
273 Not with a Bug, But with a Sticker (Wiley)
274 JavaScript All-in-One (For Dummies)
275 Amazon Web Services in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
276 All About Bioinformatics (Apress)
277 Principled Programming (DateTree Press)
278 Web Design, 7th Ed (In Easy Steps)
279 .NET MAUI for C# Developers (Packt)
280 React Programming (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)
281 Net Zeros and Ones (Wiley)
282 Real World AI Ethics for Data Scientists (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
283 Beginning Programming with Python, 3rd Ed (For Dummies)
284 GPT-3 (Packt)
285 Regular Expression Puzzles and AI Coding Assistants (Manning)
286 Graphical Data Analysis with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
287 Implementing Event-Driven Microservices Architecture in .NET 7 (Packt)
288 An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language 3rd Ed (Wolfram Media)
289 Master the Raspberry Pi Pico in C: WiFi with lwIP & mbedtls (I/O Press)
290 How Data Happened (W. W. Norton)
291 Collaborative Worldbuilding for Video Games (CRC Press)
292 The Pragmatic Programmer for Machine Learning (Chapman & Hall/CRC )
293 Essentials Of Compilation (MIT Press)
294 Robotics at Home with Raspberry Pi Pico (Packt)
295 Troubleshooting Java (Manning)
296 Digital Image Processing with C++ (CRC Press)
297 Program Proofs (MIT Press)
298 Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines (Packt)
299 T-SQL Fundamentals, 4th Ed (Microsoft Press)
300 Experimentation for Engineers (Manning)
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