201 |
3D Printing (For Dummies)
202 |
Query: Getting Information from Data with the Wolfram Language (Wolfram Media)
203 |
Microsoft Azure Storage (Microsoft Press)
204 |
The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived (Public Affairs)
205 |
Driving Value with Sprint Goals (Addison-Wesley)
206 |
Functional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices (Addison-Wesley)
207 |
Coding with the micro:bit (In Easy Steps)
208 |
Pro ASP.NET Core 7, 10th Ed (Manning)
209 |
Software Requirements Essentials (Addison-Wesley)
210 |
Code to Joy (MIT Press)
211 |
Essential TypeScript 5, 3rd Ed (Manning)
212 |
Machine Learning Engineering with Python, 2nd Ed (Packt)
213 |
Quantum Computing (For Dummies)
214 |
Extending & Embedding Python Using C (I/O Press)
215 |
ASP.NET Core in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
216 |
Unsupervised (Wiley)
217 |
Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous (Addison-Wesley)
218 |
Persistence Best Practices for Java Applications (Packt)
219 |
Excel VBA, 4th Ed (In Easy Steps)
220 |
The AWK Programming Language 2nd Ed (Addison-Wesley)
221 |
React Quickly, 2nd Ed (Manning)
222 |
Virtual Natives (Wiley)
223 |
Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models (Packt)
224 |
Effective Haskell (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
225 |
Security in Computing, 6th Ed (Addison-Wesley)
226 |
.NET MAUI in Action (Manning)
227 |
SQL Server 2022 Administration Inside Out (Microsoft Press)
228 |
The Tiger and the Rabbit (Wiley)
229 |
Functional Programming in Java (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
230 |
ChatGPT (For Dummies)
231 |
The Hidden Potential of DNS In Security (Infoblox)
232 |
The Well-Grounded Python Developer (Manning)
233 |
Pro SQL Server 2022 Wait Statistics, 3rd Ed (APress)
234 |
Crimes Against Data (Technics Publications)
235 |
Robotics, Vision and Control (Springer)
236 |
Learning PyTorch 2.0 (GitforGits)
237 |
Visual Basic, 7th Ed (Easy Steps)
238 |
Azure SQL Hyperscale Revealed (Apress)
239 |
Telling Stories with Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
240 |
Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny (Fast Company Press)
241 |
Shipping Go (Manning)
242 |
Svelte with Test-Driven Development (Packt)
243 |
Beyond Everywhere (Post Hill Press)
244 |
Python How-To (Manning)
245 |
Machine Learning with R, 4th Ed (Packt)
246 |
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, 4th Ed (Kodeco)
247 |
Graph Data Modeling in Python (Packt)
248 |
Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 3rd Ed (WIley)
249 |
Pearls of Algorithm Engineering (Cambridge University Press)
250 |
Logic Pro, 3rd Ed (For Dummies)
251 |
An Introduction to R and Python for Data Analysis (CRC Press)
252 |
Making a Metaverse That Matters (Wiley)
253 |
Fast Python (Manning)
254 |
Go Fundamentals (Addison-Wesley)
255 |
How I Rob Banks (Wiley)
256 |
SQL Server 2022 for Developers (Murach)
257 |
Robotics, Vision and Control, 3rd Ed (Springer)
258 |
The Creative Programmer (Manning)
259 |
Programming the ESP32 in MicroPython (I/O Press)
260 |
Black Hat GraphQL (No Starch Press)
261 |
Creating Video Games Using PyGame (Green Belt Books)
262 |
Oracle PL/SQL by Example, 6th Ed (The Oracle Press)
263 |
Functional Programming in Scala 2nd Ed (Manning)
264 |
Grateful Geek (Tavo Reno Publishing)
265 |
Agile Web Development with Rails 7 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
266 |
SQL: Advanced SQL Query Optimization Techniques (Ladoo Publishing)
267 |
Wild West to Agile (Addison-Wesley)
268 |
Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core (Manning)
269 |
Fancy Bear Goes Phishing (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
270 |
Mathematics of Deep Learning: An Introduction (De Gruyter)
271 |
Parallel and High Performance Programming with Python (AVA)
272 |
Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK (Springer)
273 |
Not with a Bug, But with a Sticker (Wiley)
274 |
JavaScript All-in-One (For Dummies)
275 |
Amazon Web Services in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
276 |
All About Bioinformatics (Apress)
277 |
Principled Programming (DateTree Press)
278 |
Web Design, 7th Ed (In Easy Steps)
279 |
.NET MAUI for C# Developers (Packt)
280 |
React Programming (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)
281 |
Net Zeros and Ones (Wiley)
282 |
Real World AI Ethics for Data Scientists (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
283 |
Beginning Programming with Python, 3rd Ed (For Dummies)
284 |
GPT-3 (Packt)
285 |
Regular Expression Puzzles and AI Coding Assistants (Manning)
286 |
Graphical Data Analysis with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC)
287 |
Implementing Event-Driven Microservices Architecture in .NET 7 (Packt)
288 |
An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language 3rd Ed (Wolfram Media)
289 |
Master the Raspberry Pi Pico in C: WiFi with lwIP & mbedtls (I/O Press)
290 |
How Data Happened (W. W. Norton)
291 |
Collaborative Worldbuilding for Video Games (CRC Press)
292 |
The Pragmatic Programmer for Machine Learning (Chapman & Hall/CRC )
293 |
Essentials Of Compilation (MIT Press)
294 |
Robotics at Home with Raspberry Pi Pico (Packt)
295 |
Troubleshooting Java (Manning)
296 |
Digital Image Processing with C++ (CRC Press)
297 |
Program Proofs (MIT Press)
298 |
Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines (Packt)
299 |
T-SQL Fundamentals, 4th Ed (Microsoft Press)
300 |
Experimentation for Engineers (Manning)
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