July Week 4
Saturday, 03 August 2024

Our weekly digest lists the news and other new content added to I Programmer. For those interested in electronics project with the Raspberry Pi, this week's first featured article shows how to do low-level GPIO control in Python using ioct, even if you are using a Pi 5. In the second, Mike James explains that getting debugging right needs the right attitude. 

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July 25 - 31, 2024

Featured Articles

Pi IoT In Python Using Linux Drivers - GPIO Using Ioct
29 Jul | Mike James & Harry Fairhead
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The GPIO driver in Linux used to be GPIO sysfs, but no longer. Now it's the GPIO character driver. Find out how to do low-level GPIO control using ioct, even if you are using a Pi 5.

Debugging and the Experimental Method
28 Jul | Mike James
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How do you debug a program? What approaches and qualities of mind are needed to get the job done? In many ways debugging a program is quite different from the act of programming and we need to be clear about it so that we can both do it better and  teach it better.


Programming News and Views

Azul Reports On Java Migration
31 Jul | Sue Gee
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As a reaction to changes in pricing and uncertainty over its policies, Java professionals are migrating away from Oracle and embracing open source JDKs in preference. Azul, the only company 100% focused on Java has investigated this trend with a survey.

DeepMind Solves Math Olympiad And Proves Not Everything Is An LLM
31 Jul | Mike James
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The amazing recent advances in AI have been mostly driven by Large Language, or Foundational, Models, but neural networks come in more than one form and Deep Mind is still pushing on in other directions.

Google's Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path
30 Jul | Nikos Vaggalis
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Google offers a comprehensive set of free courses that teach you the essentials of the Machine Learning Engineer's role  using Google Cloud's technologies.

Node.js Adds Experimental TypeScript Support
30 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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Node.js has added an experimental way to execute TypeScript files. The option uses the experimental flag --experimental-strip-types, and means Node.js will transpile TypeScript source code into JavaScript source code.

Kids Still Need Computer Science Education
29 Jul | Sue Gee
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Should kids still learn to code now that AI-tools will soon take over this task? According to Teach AI, the rise of AI makes CS education even more important and it has teamed up with the CSTA to provide guidance to help teachers adapt to the age of AI.

Visual Studio Premium Subscribers Get New Benefits
29 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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Microsoft has announced three new benefits for premium subscribers to Visual Studio. The benefits are available to premium and enterprise subscribers, but aren't included for subscribers to the community edition.

SIGGRAPH 2024 - Some Of What You Are Missing
28 Jul | David Conrad
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It's that SIGGRAPH time of year again and there is a really fun video showcasing some of the papers. For dedicated followers of graphics, you'll be pleased to know that the trailer still features a teapot and there are some rabbits!

Apache Drops Feather Logo
26 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is going to "evolve" its corporate logo and brand system in response to concerns raised by the group Natives in Tech. In practical terms, Apache is going to stop using its long-standing feather logo and will also consider renaming projects that use indigenous language - presumably thinking about Geronimo. And what about Arrow?

JSNation 2024 Sessions Now Available Online
26 Jul | Nikos Vaggalis
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The sessions of this year's premium Javascript conference, JSNation, are now available online and for free. Since there's a lot of material to go through we did a bit of digging to suggest the best to watch first.

Chainguard Images Now Come With JCK Certified Java
25 Jul | Nikos Vaggalis
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Chainguard has released OpenJDK Java images which are JCK conformant, adhering to the strict Java standard but also with a twist. The twist is that the images are minimalist and based on Wolfi Linux (Un)Distribution. What's the deal with that?

Nano 8 Adds Modern Bindings And Cycle Function
25 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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GNU Nano 8.1 has been released following close on the recent release of version 8.0. GNU Nano is a command line text editor for Unix and Linux that aims to be simple and easy to use.


Books of the Week

If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.

Full Review

Pearls of Algorithm Engineering

Author: Paolo Ferragina
Publisher: ‎Cambridge University Press
Pages: 326
ISBN: ‎978-1009123280
Audience: Admirers of Knuth
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James


Book Watch

Django for Beginners, 5th Ed (Still River Press)

In this guide to building real-world web applications with Python, William Vincent,a former Django Software Foundation Board member, takes a practical approach, introducing concepts through six projects designed to simulate real-world scenarios. From a Hello World website to a message board application, a blogging platform, and a newspaper CRM, readers learn about Django's architecture and how to add new functionality step-by-step.


Data Management Strategy at Microsoft (Packt)

This book examines Microsoft's data innovation and investment, including change management, aligning with business needs, enhancing data value, and cultivating a data-driven culture.  Aleksejs Plotnikovs highlights the importance of prioritizing genuine business needs to propel necessary modernizations through change management practices, and looks at how data-driven innovation does not solely reside within central IT engineering teams but also among the data's business owners.


Programming ESP32 (MonkMakes)

Subtitled "Learn MicroPython Coding and Electronics", this book will teach you Python programming and some basic electronics without assuming any prior knowledge of either subject. Simon Monk initially focuses on Python programming, building up a Morse Code example. The book is suitable for most ESP32 boards, but concentrates on the most popular ESP32 Lite and the ESP32 DevKit 1. In the chapters on electronics, breadboard layouts are provided for both of these boards.




I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 03 August 2024 )