Book Watch Archive

Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi (No Starch Press)
Friday, 12 April 2019

This book shows how to build and code your own robot projects with just the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a few easy-to-get components . Author Matt Timmons-Brown starts with instructions on building a two-wheeled robot powered by a Raspberry Pi minicomputer and then shows how to program it using Python. The book also shows how to improve your robot by adding increasingly advanced functionality until it can follow lines, avoid obstacles, and even recognize objects of a certain size and color using computer vision.


Murach's MySQL 3rd Ed (Murach)
Wednesday, 10 April 2019

This book shows how to code all the essential SQL statements for working with a MySQL database. Beyond that, author Joel Murach shows how to work with classic MySQL features such as summary queries, subqueries, functions, views, transactions, stored procedures, triggers, and security. He also covers newer MySQL features such as window functions, Common Table Expressions (CTE), and roles for database security.


AI for Games 3rd Ed (CRC Press)
Monday, 08 April 2019

This book aims to help professionals keep up with the evolving technological advances in the game industry and equips students with up-to-date infortmation they need to jumpstart their careers. In this revised and updated Third Edition, authors Ian Millington and John Funge include new techniques, algorithms, data structures and representations needed to create powerful AI in games. The companion website includes downloadable and executable source code that will be regularly updated by the authors.

<ASIN: 1138483974>

Programming WebAssembly with Rust (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Thursday, 04 April 2019

This book shows how WebAssembly's stack machine architecture works, how to install low-level wasm tools, and illustrates the dark art of writing raw wast code. Author Kevin Hoffman.builds on that foundation and shows how to compile WebAssembly modules from Rust, and how to create wasm modules in Rust to interoperate with JavaScript. The book also shows how to work with non-web hosts, and has examples ranging from an app running on a Raspberry Pi that controls a lighting system, to a fully-functioning online multiplayer game engine where developers upload their own arena-bound WebAssembly combat modules.


C# in Depth 4th Ed (Manning)
Wednesday, 03 April 2019

This revised 4th edition of a best selling book includes coverage of the new features added to the language in C# 5, 6, and 7. Well-known writer on C# Jon Skeet explains features of C# including asynchronous functions, expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, and tuples. The book also introduces expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, and pattern matching, with real-world examples to drive it all home.


Pro React 16 (Apress)
Monday, 01 April 2019

This book shows how to use the React framework to build dynamic JavaScript applications that take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices. Author Adam Freeman shows how to get the most from React, beginning with the React architecture and the benefits it offers and moving on to how to use React and its associated tools and libraries.The book shows how React brings the power of strong architecture and responsive data to the client, providing the foundation for complex and rich user interfaces.


Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes (O'Reilly)
Friday, 29 March 2019

This book shows developers and operations staff how to apply industry-standard DevOps practices to Kubernetes in a cloud-native context. It covers the Kubernetes ecosystem and solutions to everyday problems. In this friendly, pragmatic book, authors John Arundel and Justin Domingus show what Kubernetes can do—and what you can do with it.The book develops, step by step, an example cloud-native application and its supporting infrastructure, along with a development environment and continuous deployment pipeline that you can use for your own applications.


Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas 5th Ed (Mercury Learning)
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

This is a completely updated edition covering Excel 2019. Authors Bernd Held, Brian Moriarty, and Theodor Richardson demonstrate Excel through the use of examples in a quick reference format covering crunching numbers, building charts, and analyzing tables. Experienced users will also coverage of Excels more advanced formulas and functions. In addition to Excel 2019, the book covers previous versions and Office 365.


Python Machine Learning By Example 2nd Ed (Packt)
Monday, 25 March 2019

This book introduces ML concepts and implementations of algorithms in Python both from scratch and with libraries. Each chapter of the book is a walkthrough of an industry adopted application. Author Yuxi (Hayden) Liu uses examples to show the mechanics of ML techniques in areas such as exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, classification, regression, clustering, and NLP. This extended and updated edition now includes implementation with libraries including TensorFlow, gensim and Keras. The scikit-learn codes are also fully modernized.


The Ray Tracer Challenge (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Friday, 22 March 2019

Subtitled "A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer", this book sets you the challenge of building a photorealistic 3D renderer from scratch. Author Jamis Buck says it's easier than you think. In just a couple of weeks, build a ray-tracer that renders scenes with shadows, reflections, refraction effects, and subjects composed of various graphics primitives: spheres, cubes, cylinders and triangles. With each chapter, the reader is shown how to implement another piece of the puzzle and move the renderer that much further forward. The information is given in a language independent way in plain English, which you translate into tests and code.


The Well-Grounded Rubyist 3rd Ed (Manning)
Wednesday, 20 March 2019

This book uses a tutorial approach that begins with your first Ruby program and takes you all the way to sophisticated topics like reflection, threading, and recursion. Authors David A. Black and Joe Leo concentrate on the language and its uses so you can use Ruby in any way you choose. This edition has been updated for Ruby 2.5. By the end of the book the authors have reached topics on Ruby Dynamics, including object individuation, callable and runnable objects, callbacks, hooks, and runtime introspection, and functional programming with Ruby.


Algorithms for Optimization (MIT Press)
Monday, 18 March 2019

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms. Authors Mykel J. Kochenderfer and Tim A. Wheeler approach optimization from an engineering perspective, where the objective is to design a system that optimizes a set of metrics subject to constraints. Readers will learn about computational approaches for a range of challenges, including searching high-dimensional spaces, handling problems where there are multiple competing objectives, and accommodating uncertainty in the metrics. The text provides concrete implementations in the Julia programming language.



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