JavaScript Jems - Objects with Values
Written by Ian Elliot   
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Article Index
JavaScript Jems - Objects with Values
Using factory objects and constructors
Functions v Objects


You may not need a separate booleanValueOf type function but you do need a separate string value function. The reason is that what an object should return may be fundamentally different when a string value is required. For example, if a string value is required the object may need to format a numeric value so that it can be displayed.

The good news is that it is easy to set a separate default string value using the toString function. For example, let's add a toString function to the myObject object:

var myObject={
   return 10;
  return "ten";

Now what do you think displays if you try:


The answer is the string "ten" because alert expects a string argument.

Now what do you think you get if you write:

var result= myObject+1;

The answer is 11 because the addition requires a numeric value.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that you don't have to return a string from toString. JavaScript has no way of enforcing a return type, so in practice if you return some other type of value it will be converted to a string before being used.

One of the most useful things that you can do with toString is to define something more useful than the default object:Object that you see when you use alert or the debugging console. You can define a toString function that provides some useful debug information, as in:

 return "myObject Current State:"+10;

A singleton example

To implement the earlier example of an item object with properties name, tax, price as a singleton or object literal you would use:

var item = {
name: "",
tax: 0,
price: 0,

and to make price the default numeric property and name the default string property you would define two methods:

valueOf: function(){
return item.price;
toString: function(){

The complete object is:

var item = {
name: "",
tax: 0,
price: 0,
valueOf: function(){
return item.price;
toString: function(){

If you don't like or aren't familiar with this way of creating an object you can use:

var item={};"";;
item.valueOf = function(){
return item.price;
item.toString = function(){

Now if we set some values in the properties and try to use item in an expression you will find that the valueOf and toString are called as defined earlier: = "widget"; = 0.1;
item.price = 10;
alert(0 + item);

The first alert has an arithmetic expression which expects item to be a numeric value so valueOf is called and the result is 0+10 i.e. 10. Notice that as alert expects a string value as its parameter JavaScript kindly converts numeric 10 into a string. In the second alert the item parameter is supposed to be a string and so toString is called which returns the name and so widget is displayed.




Last Updated ( Tuesday, 06 August 2019 )