Step 5 - Calling through the API Gateway with Postman
It's Postman time again. We use the same settings as we did in the first part of the tutorial but slightly changed to incorporate the following:
The new HTTP endpoint
Authorization should now be AWS Signature
User Access Key
User Secret Key
AWS Region
Service name of 'execute-api'
Leaving the body/payload of the call as it is:
Postman generates special headers that include an AWS Signature calculated by the combination of the user's Access and Secret Keys.
Submitting the payload {"key1:"value1"} results in the by now familiar {"received":"value1"} response:
A quick look at the log entry of our API-Gateway-Execution point confirms that everything runs just fine:
This takes us to the end of Part 2.
So what have achieved in this part?
Created a new Lambda function, HTTP endpoint and Trigger
Created a Role and a User
Bound the Role to the User and vice versa and granted permissions on both the Lambda function and API Gateway
Installed and configured the AWS CLI
Assumed the role and called the function through the CLI with the 'aws lambda invoke' command
Called the function through the HTTP endpoint by using Postman, passing the user's Access and Secret key in to create a unique signature for authenticating
In the next and final part we're going to call our lambda programmatically through the help of Perl and its awesome Paws module.
JetBrains has announced that it is abandoning its plan to create a standalone Kotlin Multiplatform IDE and is planning to deprecate support for KMP on its lightweight Fleet IDE in order to focus its e [ ... ]
Python 3.14, which should really be called Pi-thon, has seen its fifth alpha release. It introduces a new interpreter that can be as much 30% faster, depending on what you are doing.