Programmer Puzzle - Class and struct
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Programmer Puzzle - Class and struct

This C# puzzle shouldn't be difficult as long as you are secure in your understanding of class and structs. See if you can spot the danger as soon as you read it.





C# has two ways to define new object types - structs and classes. The struct is often referred to as a lightweight class because it is implemented on the stack, doesn't have to be garbage collected and doesn't support inheritance. The advice is often given that you should use a struct when performance is important.

This isn't quite the full story...



You start off with a very simple design for 2D plotting program and decide to use a class to implement a simple point object:

public class point
public  int x;
public  int y;

Now you decide that you need a method that zeros an arbitrary point object:

public void ZeroPoint(point p)

This all works. If you try:

point p1 = new point() { x = 10, y = 20 };

you will find that p1 is constructed correctly and zeroed correctly by ZeroPoint - that is after ZeroPoint p1.x and p1.y are zero.

Now a little later on the programmer is convinced by one of those discussions you sometimes have that a point object should be a struct because it's more efficient.

The change is just one keyword:

public struct point
public  int x;
public  int y;

That is, class becomes struct. No other changes are made to the program but after the change ZeroPoint no longer works.

When you check the code:

point p1 = new point() { x = 10, y = 20 };

the value of p1.x is now 10 and p1.y is now 20.

All that has happened is a change from class to struct. How can this effect the way a method works?

Turn to the next page when you are ready to find out.


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