Flavio Glock On Perl, Java, Compilers And Virtual Machines
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Friday, 20 September 2024
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Flavio Glock On Perl, Java, Compilers And Virtual Machines
GrallVM and Truffle Languages
Perl In The Cloud Era

And finally a question about Perl. Having faced doubt, debate and insecurity, what is the current status and future outlook? Business as usual with new language releases or should we all be worried? In this modern era of the cloud, is after all the integration with modern backends like the JVM a prerequisite for Perl to stay alive and thrive?

Perl’s current status reflects a mature, stable, and well-documented ecosystem, even though it may not be as popular as it once was. Like many technologies that once experienced rapid growth and then normalized, Perl is now in a "business as usual" phase. This doesn’t mean Perl’s future is dim—quite the opposite. Its stability makes it a reliable tool in countless applications, from system administration to web development, and its flexibility ensures it can evolve with modern needs.

In this cloud-driven era, integrating with modern backends like the JVM is crucial for Perl’s continued relevance. Projects like PerlOnJava demonstrate Perl's ability to adapt and thrive in a new landscape. By leveraging the JVM, Perl can access an extensive library ecosystem, take advantage of modern performance optimizations, and integrate more easily into enterprise-level solutions.

Looking ahead, Perl's future lies in its ability to intersect with modern platforms, like cloud services and containerized environments. With ongoing development, community engagement, and innovative integrations, Perl can find new relevance and potentially inspire new applications. There’s no reason to be worried—instead, it’s an exciting opportunity to reimagine how Perl can continue to be useful in today’s tech world.

Superb. Thank you a lot!

The conclusion? PerlOnJava is not just a mere compiler project for Perl to Java compilation but a cornerstone for Perl's future if it wants to survive the modern era.



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Last Updated ( Friday, 20 September 2024 )