Devoxx Belgium Sessions Now Online
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Friday, 27 October 2023

A massive Youtube playlist features all 126 talks from the recent Devoxx Belgium Conference days event. If you feel spoilt for choice, here's some help in deciding where to start.

Devoxx, which has the motto "From Developers, For Developers" is a series of tech events organised by local community groups. It was launched, as "JavaPolis" in 2001 by Stephen Janssen who had already founded the Belgian Java User Group (BeJUG) in 1996. Initially there was a single event per year in to Belgium and content was largely limited to Java but now several events are organized each year in countries including France, UK, Poland, Greece and Morocco - and topics such as Cloud and Big Data, Web & HTML, Mobile, Programming Languages, Architecture & Security, Methodology, Culture and Future Technologies are covered. 

The talks at Devoxx Belguim 2023 were given by top names of the industry from corporations such as Spotify, Microsoft, Red Hat, Google, JetBrains and the likes; I'm not even going to refer to the names of the speakers; too overwhelming.

Topics wise, given Java's latest version 21 release, which we examined in What's New Java 21?, a lot of focus was on that. Some of these related sessions were :

  • Elementary Full stack Development with Hypermedia and Java 21 By Patrik Duditš
  • From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE By Ivar Grimstad
  • Building and Deploying Java Client Desktop Applications With JDK 21 and Beyond By Kevin Rushforth
  • The Panama Dojo: Black Belt Programming with Java 21 and the FFM API By Per Minborg

but there were others too with indirect reference to the new version such as :

  • Java Language update By Brian Goetz
  • Project Leyden By Brian Goetz
  • Project Loom: Modern Scalable Concurrency for the Java Platform By Alan Bateman

Spring Boot and Jakarta were there too:

  • Prepare for Jakarta EE 11! By Ivar Grimstad
  • Test Driven Security with Spring By Eleftheria Stein Kousathana
  • Bootiful Spring Boot 3 By Josh Long
  • Spring Framework 6: Strategic Themes By Juergen Hoeller, Sébastien Deleuze
  • From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE By Ivar Grimstad
  • How to build a Secure Supply Chain for your Spring Apps By David Caron
  • Everything new in Spring Security 6 baked with a Spring Boot 3 recipe By Laur Spilca

Microservices and cloud native were represented by Micronaut, GraalVM and Quarkus, while the rest of the topics ranged from Security to LLMs to Quantum Computers.

As far as the highlights/must watch goes, these ought to be :

  • Java Language update , where Brian Goetz, the Java Language Architect, delves into the latest advancements and features that are shaping the future of the Java programming language.
  • Everything new in Spring Security 6 baked with a Spring Boot 3 recipe , where Laur Spilca goes through the latest advancements, including the game-changing OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect authorization server.
  • Securing Your Java Containers by Breaking In, where Brian Vermeer shows what does it take to secure a container.

And, "From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE" By Ivar Grimstad, who tackles the
issues arising from Jakarta EE 9 changing its package namespace from javax. * to jakarta. *. , when migrating code.
This may sound like a trivial change that mostly affects Jakarta EE, but Spring Framework 6, Spring Boot 3
and almost the whole Java ecosystem are affected too.

There's much more. Grab a cup of cofee, or many, and knock yourself out with hours worth of interesting, groundbreaking and educational talks.

dovoxx belgium


More Information

Devoxx Belgium 2023 Conference Days

Related Articles

What's New Java 21?


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