Go Developer Network Launched
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 18 March 2019

A network for Go developers has been launched by a combination of the Go community leaders at GoBridge and Google. The Go Developer Network (GDN) is designed to provide a single place for information on Go.

Go is an open source project developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open source community over more than 8 years. The main intended use is as a systems programming language, and it has been used in high profile commercial successes such as Docker.


Set up by Go community leaders at GoBridge and Google as a resource for developers, GDN is a collection of Go user groups working together to provide developer communities with the knowledge and experience to build the next generation of software in Go.

The founders have partnered with Meetup to create a Pro Network of Go Developers to give Go developers a single place to search for local user groups, events, and see what other Gophers are doing around the world.

User groups that join the GDN will be recognized by GoBridge as the official user group for that city and be provided with the latest news, information, conduct policies, and procedures. GDN groups will have Meetup fees paid by the GDN and will have access to special swag and other fun items. Each organizer of a GDN local group will continue to own the group and maintain full admin rights. Anyone currently running a user group is asked to fill out an application to request to join the GDN.

The announcement of the developer network was made shortly after a new version of the Go Cloud Development Kit was released. This has been updated with a set of portable APIs for common cloud services. You write your application using these APIs, and then deploy it on any combination of providers, including AWS, GCP, Azure, on-premise, or on a single developer machine for testing.

The current APIs can be used to persist blob data; to publish and subscribe messages to a topic; to watch external configuration variables; to encrypt and decrypt data; and helpers for connecting to cloud SQL providers.



More Information

GoLang Website

Application To Join GDN


Pro Network of Go Developers

The Go Cloud Development Kit

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