YugabyteDB 2.25 Is PostgresSQL 15 Compatible |
Written by Kay Ewbank | |||
Thursday, 06 February 2025 | |||
The latest YugabyteDB preview release supports PostgreSQL 15 and represents a significant upgrade from the previous version. YugabyteDB is a cloud-native distributed SQL database that supports all PostgreSQL features., and is designed for cloud-native OLTP applications that need scalability, high tolerance to failures, or globally-distributed deployments. The company was founded in 2016 by former Facebook software engineers who developed YugabyteDB as a cloud-native database that can serve both scale-out and internet-scale OLTP workloads with low query latency, extreme resilience against failures, and global data distribution. This latest version is described as a significant upgrade. It adds YSQL API support for a number of features including stored generated columns, foreign keys on partitioned tables, and non-distinct NULLs in unique indexes. It also introduces query execution optimizations like incremental sort and memoization, along with various observability and security enhancements. The new query diagnostics significantly simplify tuning poorly performing SQL queries by allowing you to capture and export detailed diagnostic information, including bind variables and constants, pg_stat_statements statistics, schema details, active session history, and execution plans. This version also enables the active session history by default, providing real-time and historical views of system activity. Among the improvements is the ability to generate UUID Without PgCrypto. This was already available with the pgcrypto extension, but now gen_random_uuid() is part of core PostgreSQL. The improvement means that developers can create a table that will automatically assign a UUID primary key without the need to use any CREATE EXTENSION command. The second improvement makes it easier to create generated columns.You could already do this from a sequence with GENERATE ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, but adding a column calculated from others wasn't possible. This has now been rectified. Other improvements include accelerated partition pruning whereby when the query planner sees that only one partition can be read, it optimizes the execution plan accordingly; a new plan cache mode that will switch from a custom plan for prepared statements that is optimized for each value to a generic plan with a parameter after five executions if the cost doesn’t appear more expensive. Yugabyte 2.25 also adds a number of Hash and Sort operation optimizations, including an incremental sort that avoids the need for a complete sort when an index is partially sorted on one column. YugabyteDB 2.25 is available now. More InformationRelated ArticlesYugabyte Enhances Cluster Replication Hasura Unveils Data Delivery Network It's 2024. Why Does PostgreSQL Still Dominate? PostgreSQL 14 Is Here - A Look At Its Past And Future A Deep Dive Into PostgreSQL Indexes PostgreSQL Is DB-Engines DBMS of the Year For 2020 Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL Generally Available The Enduring Influence Of Postgres To be informed about new articles on I Programmer, sign up for our weekly newsletter, subscribe to the RSS feed and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 19 February 2025 ) |