WCF 1.0 Released With Microsoft Support
Thursday, 05 May 2022

Version 1.0 of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) has been released. WCF is the subset of  the .NET Framework given to the community by Microsoft back in 2019. The new release comes with support from Microsoft.

WCF 1.0 provides a compatible implementation of SOAP, NetTCP, and WSDL. The new release has been updated to use ASP.NET Core as the service host, and to work with .NET Core. This is the first major release of the project, and provides WCF functionality for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET 5+.


WCF is a subset of the .NET Framework version of Windows Communication Foundation which was once hailed as one of the four pillars of .NET - WPF, WCF, WF and CardSpace.  It has been used to build .NET Core apps, including Windows UWP and ASP.NET 5. Microsoft made it open source back in 2015.

This updated version started as a WCF service implementation built on .NET Core, and has reached its current state of development partially due to developers from Amazon AWS contributing to the project. The reason behind this was requests from AWS customers wanting to port their WCF services to the cloud.

The developers have now got enough of the WCF functionality to make the service useful, and ready to have existing code ported to it under .NET.

CoreWCF offers a subset of the functionality from WCF, including Http & NetTCP transports, HTTP and TCP bindings, security, WSDL generation, partial configuration support including services & endpoints, and most extensibility options.

There are still major features that have not yet been implemented, including transports other than Http and Net, TCP.message security beyond transport & transport with message credentials, distributed transactions and message queueing.

The developers say that the missing features fall into two categories; those that have been implemented but not tested so not made publicly available, and those that haven't yet been implemented. They provide details of how to check which category a feature comes into, and how to move things forward if it's important to your needs.

CoreWCF is available now, and Microsoft says that because they recognize how important support is to enterprise customers, Microsoft Product Support will be available for CoreWCF customers.

      • Mike James who has worked with the .NET framework since its launch in 2000, is the author of Deep C#. This book provides a “deep dive” into various topics that are important or central to the language at a level that will suit the majority of C# programmers.


More Information

CoreWCF On GitHub

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 May 2022 )