MSDN July 2011 - Web Platform
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Wednesday, 06 July 2011

For July's  MSDN magazine the topic is Web Development and all but one article fits into this niche. The emphasis is heavily on ASP.NET MVC and Razor syntax, but this is the new way to do things so what do you expect! There is also one article on Silverlight.

Web Development: This is an uncharacteristically down-to-earth and basic article for MSDN Magazine on using the new web facilities in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 -mostly integration with IIS Express, SQL Server Compact and the new Razor syntax and Web Platform Installer. If you have missed what SP1 brought to VS 2010 then read this.

SharePoint Development: is a follow up on an article you can find in the March issue on building a purchasing applications. The follow up consists of adding a workflow solution using SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio to add a custom action. This is clearly for SharePoint specialists especially so as the example uses SharePoint Online.

ASP.NET WebGrid: You might well have missed WebGrid because it was slipped in as part of the WebMatrix tool. It is a fairly basic control for displaying tabular data. The article show how to make use of it with Razor synax and a bias to ASP.MVC. How quickly the new pushes out the old.

Silverlight Localization: Another follow up on an article in the March edition this takes a second part look at Silverlight localization. The subtle tells you what you need to know "Tips and Tricks for Loading Silverlight Locale Resources".




MVC Filters: This is another ASP MVC based article on using the MVC filter mechanism to implement performance counters on a site wide basis without having to modify a lot of local code. It is a technique that should generalize to other management tasks.


Mobile Browsing: This is a very readable account of how to serve a mobile device with a web page using ASP.NET - web forms or MVC based in the main. The basic principle is browser detection, using the package. Once you know the browser and device type you then conditionally customize your code. 

The only article not on web development is Windows PowerShell with WPF. This is an odd pairing of subjects as PowerShell isn't exactly in vogue at the moment and neither is WPF - and the idea of using them together seems almost eccentric. However it is really interesting and highly recommended. It uses the WPK package to make access to WPF seem easy and natural in PowerShell. Its not an advanced article but does show what you can do - but as with all presentations of PowerShell I have ever seen I am left with the question of why I would use it rather than a language I know well.  

Other items that are noteworthy is an editorial called "Why C++ Still Matters" which is more or less what our Why your next language better be C++ is all about. Charles Petzolds on page transitions is as always useful: Page Transitions in Windows Phone 7
and Windows with C++ is yet more evidence that C++ is undergoing a renaissance. If you do read the C++ article ignore its description on the main page and you need to know that this isn't an introductory article on the topic.  Also worth a read is Dino Esposito on Code Contracts: Inheritance and the Liskov Principle which dives deep and explains it clearly.


Click on the image above to go to the magazine's contents page. 



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 06 July 2011 )