Explore SyncFusion's Blazor Playground
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Syncfusion has provided an in-browser environment where you can write, compile and run code that uses Blazor components and get it previewed live.

Blazor is a way to write web applications both on the server and client side with . NET and C# instead of using Javascript on the front-end. Code in Blazor compiles to WebAssembly, not Javascript. The way it works is that a .NET runtime compiled to WebAssembly is downloaded into the user's browser which then runs the Blazor application in the same sandbox as JavaScript runs.

Instead of going through the trouble of setting up that locally on your development machine, you can instead opt for a playground such as this and run everything inside your browser. While Syncfusion mainly provides the playground for trying out its own Blazor components, you can write, compile, and run your own general Blazor components as well.


Syncfusion's components can be imported by clicking on the Snippets tab. There you'll find a series of rich UI components from simple Accordions and Buttons to Tree grids and PDF viewers. 

Importing them and encompasing them with your own code renders them live. If however you're not satisfied with that selection of 80 componets, you are free to browse through Syncfusion's components' documentation to get hold of the initialization code of any available component. For instance, I found, copied and pasted the Button's component into the playground:

That's not all you can do though. You can also import JavaScript or CSS from CDNs , as well as NuGet packages from the Syncfusion Blazor library, and change the Theme of the editor too. The Playground then handles everything, from NuGet installation to script and style resource referencing and service registration.

Finally you can share the code you've written by saving the snippet to obtain a URL which you can share it via customer tickets, social media, email, or other channels. That aside you can also embed your snippet and customize the displayed elements using parameters in the embeded code.

In summary, Syncfusion's Blazor playground offers a first class opportunity to get your feet wet in trying Blazor out.



More Information


Syncfusion Playground

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