WebDev Versus WebDesign
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Web designers and web developers are two peas in the same pod - who are we trying to kid! They are mortal enemies locked in a life or death struggle to control the web site! See this infographic for the true take.

Take no notice of the job descriptions, this gives a much more realistic picture. 


Click for larger image.

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Web Designers vs Web Developers is brought to you by Wix.com. Use creative design to make a Free Website


If you’re a web developer who comes into contact with that trendy species known as the ‘web designer’, you’ll recognise just how accurate this picture is.

You should also be feeling good that you’re on the right side of the jobs/salary divide, which is something to bear in mind next time a web designer is irritating you by sneering over the top of his trendy designer specs. Just tell him he’ll have to write some Perl to manage the really complex database behind the website.

That’ll sort him - assuming he understands what you said...




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Last Updated ( Saturday, 12 November 2011 )