MemSQL Gets $35M In Funding
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 27 January 2014

In-memory database specialists MemSQL, started by former Facebook engineers, has raised $35 million in venture capital funding.

The company was started in 2011 by Eric Frenkiel and Nikita Shamgunov, and the $35 million from Accel Partners and Khosla Ventures brings MemSQL's total funding to $45 million.

MemSQL is claimed to be thirty times faster than conventional disk-based databases, and runs on Linux-based industry standard x86 servers.

In the announcement about the funding, MemSQL's CEO Frenkeil stated:

“Customers are drawn to our solution because it delivers extremely fast performance on commodity hardware and has the ability to store and query multiple data formats in a single database. The result is an extremely fast Big Data solution with versatility and ease of use that lets customers see immediate ROI.”

With its version 2.5 release in November 2013, MemSQL added support for JSON (Javascript Object Notation) data format, making it possible to combine structured and JSON data into a single database that can then be queried using SQL. The company says this support optimizes MemSQL for applications that need to analyze JSON data generated by mobile apps.

The new version also ships with support for ONLINE ALTER TABLE, meaning you can make changes to your production schemas without any downtime. The new version also added support for online backup and restore with the addition of single commands to backup and restore a cluster. “BACKUP DATABASE” takes a point-in-time snapshot of data across the cluster while your read and write workloads continue to run. “RESTORE DATABASE” restores an entire distributed database. The new cluster can have a different number of nodes or different redundancy level from the original.

According to the funding announcement, current MemSQL customers include Comcast, Zynga, Shutterstock and Ziff Davis, as well as many new mid-market customers.


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Last Updated ( Monday, 27 January 2014 )