Kindle for Android and improved for iPhone
Written by Ian Elliot   
Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Amazon Kindle for Android completes the edition for all of the major platforms.

Why would Amazon give so much software away?

Because it hopes you will buy books of course.


Amazon has just announced Kindle for Android, so completing its set of Kindle emulators for all of the major platforms.It works with Android 1.5 and later.

This software is available free to download and install on your Android from the Android Market. Amazon has even demonstrated its mastery of the technology by providing a QR code that you can scan to go to the correct download point.



The new software also saves and synchronizes a customer's books and bookmarks across their Kindle, Kindle DX, BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, PC, and now Android-powered phones

New features will be added to Kindle for Android in the near future, including full text search and purchasing of Kindle books from within the app - of course this means that these features are currently missing from the download. Not being able to buy a book from the Amazon store within the App is something of a problem, but you can always use the web browser to do the same job.

At the same time Amazon announced the fact that the iPhone, iPad and iPod Kindel readers have been enhanced. You can now play embedded audio and video clips in Kindle books. Currenlty there aren't many Kindle books that take advantage of the new feature - Rick Steves' London is one that includes video walking tours.


More about the free Kindle for Android reading app at

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 June 2010 )