Samsung sells 1 million Galaxy S in the US
Tuesday, 31 August 2010

While Samsung would much prefer to see its own Bada Wave phone sell through the roof; ironically, it is the bastard child - Galaxy S  (running Android 2.1) that is flying off the shelves. So here we have an international duo to stack up against Apple.



With very little fanfare, the Galaxy S; aka T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant, aka  Verison's Samsung Fascinate, aka AT&T Samsung Captivate has sold more than 1 million unit since its launch in the US alone.

One killer attraction is its 4 inch AmoLED screen that can render amazingly deep and rich color. Think pictures of cherries with water droplets sliding off their skins.  On the highly hyped Apple Retina display, you might say "Oh, cool!".  On the Galaxy S, you can't help but try to eat (the cherries in) the display.

It is about time that Samsung gets off its high horse, dumps Bada, and starts focusing what it can do best.  The team of Samsung and Google could be a formidable alliance against the mighty marketing and trend-setting leader Apple.  It would shave years off mobile phone evolution history.  At the very least, it should stop Google  from courting tiny HTC or moonlighting with under-experienced Motorola.

Further reading

Introduction to Android 2 application development

iPhone losing to Android in web browsing traffic

Ruboto - Ruby for Android

Why RIM? Why are governments picking on the BlackBerry?

Oracle sues Google for Android Java use

Nokia no Android - the developer's dilemma gets worse

Mobile platforms of the world!

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 31 August 2010 )