Dash Dash - Making Linux Documentation More Approachable
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Monday, 16 May 2022

Dash Dash is a new website that aims to prettify the ugly that is the Man Pages. What once felt like a maze of weird symbols and hyper intense colors, now are visually subdued and easier to understand.

Navigating Linux documentation when in need is not something enjoyable.Take for instance the Man Pages for chmod :

Not pleasing,not easily navigable,not easy to understand.

On the contrary take a look at chmod's pages on Dash Dash :

Same info but with extra examples and some eye candy. Welcome to 2022!

Dash Dash adds a memorable micro-brand to every command while also highlighting the most common commands in each section: 

  • Section 1 - General Commands
  • Section 2 - System Calls
  • Section 3 - Library Functions
  • Section 4 - Special Files
  • Section 5 - File Formats
  • Section 6 - Games
  • Section 7 - Conventions and Miscellany
  • Section 8 - Administration 

If you couple Dash Dash with the "Three Tips for the Linux Shell Addict", three sites that will increase your productivity and save valuable time in your daily interactions with the shell, and the "The PaSh Project - Advancing the Unix Philosophy One Step Further" you've got yourself a command line power house.

So next time you can't remember what a command does, reach for Dash Dash rather than the man pages.


More Information

Dash Dash

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Last Updated ( Monday, 16 May 2022 )