Google Data Studio Improves Interactiveness
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 09 July 2019

Google has updated its Data Studio analytics tool with a new home page designed to make it easier for users to find information and reports.

Data Studio is the free component of Google Data Studio 360, which is available as a paid-for product for data visualization and reporting with licensing starting at 200 users. It can be used to connect to all your data with native integrations across a range of Google products, as well as non-Google data. Both versions can be used to create reports from data from AdWords, Google Analytics, YouTube, BigQuery, Attribution 360 and Google Sheets.

datstudlogThe redesign of Data Studio’s home page starts with adding a search bar to make the look and feel more similar to other G Suite products. There's also a new Create button that can be used to create reports, set up a data source, or a data explorer.




The improved version of Data Studio also has more chart interactivity. The ability to interact with charts to filter other charts was added earlier this year, and this has now been further improved with the ability to sort charts directly while viewing the chart rather than needing to edit the report. You can also make use of drilling down to more levels of detail from the body of the chart.

More usefully for developers, Google has added support for the beta BigQuery BI Engine, a fast in-memory engine for interactive visual analysis. Google says that by using BI Engine you can analyze data stored in BigQuery with sub-second query response time and with high concurrency. 


More Information

Google Data Site

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 July 2019 )