Android Cars App Library Enters Public Beta
Written by Alex Denham   
Monday, 19 October 2020

Google has extended the Android Auto options with a library that can be used for creating navigation, parking, and electric vehicle charging apps. Android for Cars App Library has now been released as an open beta, for any developer to use.

Google launched Android Auto as a way to link Android phones to car displays, and it has been adopted by most car manufacturers. It mirrors features from an Android device, especially from a smartphone, to the "in-dash" information in the car, or to an entertainment head unit.



The central app provides a simplified interface, large buttons, and actions can be controlled by voice so drivers can still use phone apps while re on the road. There are currently over 3,000 apps in Google Play with "in-car experiences" designed for use while driving.

The new Android for Cars App Library, is designed so developers can create apps in which all tasks can be achieved with minimal glances or taps. The beta version can be used to design, develop, and test your navigation, parking or charging app on Android Auto, and Google plans to let developers publish beta apps using Google Play Store in the coming months.

Car App Library Screenshot

Apps designed for use by drivers need to minimize the amount they distract the driver and app user. Google has collaborated with government, industry and academic institutions to develop a set of best practice guidelines. These are applied to all Google's apps, and the new library comes with a set of standard templates and guidelines so developers have the tools optimize their apps for cars, without needing to become an expert in driver distraction.

Apps developed using the library can be tested using the Desktop Head Unit (DHU), an emulator that you can use to simulate a car infotainment display. The DHU now supports multiple screen sizes, displaying information in the instrument cluster, and simulating vehicles with touchpad input.


More Information

Driver App Best Practice Guidelines

Android for Cars App Library

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Last Updated ( Monday, 19 October 2020 )