Microsoft Pays Up To $100K for Windows Phone Apps
Written by Lucy Black   
Monday, 17 June 2013

According to a well-supported rumor Microsoft is paying some developers up to $100,000 to port popular apps to Windows Phone 8.

News of this offer was originally reported in Bloomberg Businessweek's Technology section by Ashlee Vance who attributed it to "friends in Silicon Valley". Subsequently it has been confirmed by two sources contacted by Business Insider and it hasn't been refuted by Microsoft.

As we reported three months ago, Microsoft has been offering $100 per up (up to a cap of $2000 per developer) for any apps published in the Windows App Store. The "Keep the Cash " offer, which runs until June 30th was only open to US developers and the "cash" is Virtual VISA credit. 

One comment when it was originally announced was that the offer was an insult and made the platform look like a joke and in an update to her article on Mary Jo Foley commented:

$100 is not a whole lot of money when it comes to building true value-add apps

and that Microsoft appeared to be going for quantity rather quality.

So offering $100,000 to top developers for top quality apps seems to be a sensible move - but is it enough?

According to Bloomberg Microsoft now has 48 of the top 50 most downloaded apps - it still lacks Pinterest and Instagram - but with a total of 145,000 apps that's still a long way to go to catch up with Apple and Android.

Ashlee Vance quoted Thom Gruhler, the chief marketing officer for Windows Phone, as saying:

"There are no delusions here .. . There are no champagne corks popping yet.”


So can you buy the sucess of an app platform?  You probably can if you are prepared to pay $100,000 per port. 

More Information

"Keep the Cash " offer

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Last Updated ( Monday, 17 June 2013 )