Training and Mentorship Promote Job Satisfaction
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 02 August 2022

Results of the EDB Open Source Talent Survey 2022 indicate that employees value the opportunity to work with and be trained in cutting edge technologies. Security training is also highly prized.

The survey set out to discover what drives employee satisfaction in today's tech organizations. It comes from EDB (Enterprise DB) a company that provides software and services based on the open-source database PostgreSQL and is based on a poll of  1,400 application developers, IT/operations and business management professionals across the globe. Questions were designed to understand factors that could motivate them to seek other job opportunities.

Overall almost half (46%) of respondents claimed to be satisfied with their current job, but, while only 10% were dissatisfied, a further 44% were "open to new opportunities". Looking for differentiators between the satisfied and dissatisfied employees the survey pointed to mentoring and training. The report states:

Those who were most satisfied with their current employer said their organization rolled out a mentoring program in the last 12 months (21%), whereas those who were dissatisfied (43%) said they did not introduce any remote training and mentoring this year.

The survey also probed what would persuade respondents to consider another job opportunity:

edbfactorsThe rather vague "improved career options" was the top answer with "better mentorship" coming second. Almost a third of respondents gave the answer " working with more cutting edge technologies" and the report claimed this proportion had doubled since the previous year. As well as wanting to work with cutting edge technologies respondents wanted training on them and training on security was even more prized by respondents. In fact the top four answers for factors that would lead them to consider another job opportunity all referred to training.

EDB's finding reflects what I reported in Stick Or Twist - Employers Want You, namely that In looking for a new job, or deciding to stay in their current one, developers prioritize opportunities to learn new technologies. At the same time employers appear to have taken on board that to retain open source talent they need to offer training and to value certification.


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 02 August 2022 )