Learn Python With Udemy
Written by Sue Gee   
Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Python continues to be the programming language that everyone wants to learn - both complete beginners and those who know another language. We look at a course that is intended for both groups and has been updated to cover the very latest version, Python 3.10.

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A few days ago when we reported that Python Is Top Language On TIOBE Index we also referred to the fact that it  is the most widely used language for teaching computer science and is the language that people who don't already use it most want to learn.

Some months ago, in Master Python, I outlined some of the options for acquiring or improving Python programming skills offered by Coursera. Now its Udemy's turn to come under scrutiny and I have selected Complete Python Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery because it is a new course, launched in 2021, that is kept up to date with the latest version. 



The course comes from Andrei Neagoie who has created 18 Udemy courses and attracts very positive student reviews.

After an Introductory section (13 lectures in 44 minutes of video) there are two sections on  Python Basics, the first having 42 lectures in 3 hours 36 minutes and the second 37 lectures in 3 hours 27 minutes. They looks pretty comprehensive and student comments suggest you need to allow extra time to follow up the instructors suggestions.

In the next section, Developer Environment (17 lectures, 67 minutes), you meet not only the Command Line/Terminal but also Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Pycharm and Jupiter Notebooks.

After this move on to Advanced Python topics, which are:

  • Object Oriented Programming (23 lectures, 125 minutes)
  • Functional Programming (14 lectures, 70 minutes)
  • Decorators (6 lectures, 31 minutes)
  • Error Handling (5 lectures, 29 minutes)
  • Generators (7 lectures, 39 minutes)
  • Modules in Python (14 lectures, 101 minutes)
  • Debugging in Python (1 lectures, 13 minutes)
  • File I/O (5 lectures, 37 minutes)
  • Regular Expressions (6 lectures, 30 minutes)

Then comes a section titled  Career of Python Developer (6 lectures, 30 minutes) which serves as a general orientation before delving deeper into the variety of uses for Python

  • Scripting (36 lectures, 185 minutes) 
  • Scraping Date (12 lectures, 70 minutes)
  • Web Development (28 lectures, 169 minutes)
  • Automation (5 lectures, 41 minutes)
  • Machine Learning+Data Science (23 lectures, 120 minutes) 

A lot of the reason for the increased interest in Python is that it fits very well with data science and machine learning, today's key areas of interest. If this is the direction you want to go in Udemy offers another new course which its instructors, Andrei Neagoie and Daniel Bourke claim is:

the most comprehensive and modern course you will find on the subject anywhere.


Comprising  a total of 42.5 hours video in 21 sections and with fully fledged Data Science and Machine Learning projects, it caters for those new to programming and those with a programming background, who can skip the section teaching Python from scratch. Having gone through the basics of Machine Learning it goes into advanced topics including Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Transfer Learning so that participants get a good grounding for the many jobs and careers available in the the real world.



More Information

Complete Python Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery

Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp 2021

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 October 2021 )