F# and VB.NET now in Rock Paper Azure competition
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Thursday, 21 April 2011

VB.NET and F# have been added to the weekly RockPaperAzure Challenge competition. Discover the rules of this cloud-related game.

Entries for the weekly RockPaperAzure Challenge can now be written using F# and VB.NET. RockPaperAzure is a weekly competition where you can win prizes including a Kinect and an Xbox 360. All players will receive the official Rock Paper Azure t-shirt.


The competition lets you code your own player "bot" and use it to play against other competitors. In each round, your bot will play every other registered bot. When playing another bot, you receive a point for winning a game (for example, if you throw paper, and your opponent throws rock, you win and receive a point). The first player to reach 1,000 points wins the match. If you tie a game, the points "push" forward until the next game in the match. If you win a match, you'll receive 3 points in the Leaderboard, which shows the current front runners.

Sadly, in the Microsoft tradition of not worrying about the rest of the world, the official prize-winning competition is restricted to US players only. The competition website cites red tape as the reason why they can’t make it open elsewhere. Developers from other countries can still join in - they just cannot win the prizes.

The details of the competition are at:




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Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 April 2011 )