Better Jupyter Support For Azure DevOps
Thursday, 26 August 2021

Microsoft has revamped the Jupyter extension for Azure DevOps. The latest extension allows you to render your .ipynb notebook files directly in Azure DevOps now with an improved viewing experience.

Azure DevOps provides developer services that can be used to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Jupyter Notebooks are open-source web applications that allow you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.


The Jupyter Notebook extension allows you to render .ipynb notebook files in your repo directly within Azure DevOps. Once installed, you can select the notebook file and view it in the “Preview” tab of DevOps. The extension also allows you to export the notebook to other file types for easy sharing.

The improvemed extension has a new interface, along with "new features to enhance your Jupyter Notebook support". In practical terms this means notebook exports and a function definition viewer.

Function Definition Viewer in Jupyter Extension

The enhanced viewer has improvements including the Notebook toolbar having moved to the top left with all other notebook-related actions and features. The cell indicator has been made bold to make the gutter indicator more helpful to identify where you are in the notebook, especially when working with long cells and outputs.

The support for notebook exports makes it possible to convert Jupyter notebooks into HTML, LaTEX or Python formats. There's also a new function definition viewer that allows you to view documentation of a class or method by hovering over it.

 The Jupyter Notebook extension is available to install for free from Microsoft's DevOps marketplace on the extension page. The new extension is currently at the preview stage and the development team says they are actively looking for feedback.


More Information

Juypter Extension On Microsoft Marketplace

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 August 2021 )