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# Article Title
101 A Mathematical Proof Too Long To Check - The Erdos Discrepancy Conjecture
102 Six Degrees Of Separation Is New
103 Knitting Is Turing Complete?
104 Quantum Computers Animated
105 Tensor Operations Are NP Hard
106 Cannibal Animal Games
107 Finding Solutions To Diophantine Equations By Smell
108 Kenneth Appel Remembered For Four Color Theorem Proof
109 The Life Of Pi - Yes It's Pi Day
110 48th Mersenne Prime Computed
111 Boson Sampling Tests Quantum Computing
112 Unshuffling A Square Is NP-Complete
113 A Paper In A Tweet
114 A Water Droplet-Based Computer
115 A Quantum Computer Finds Factors
116 The Revolution In Evolutionary Game Theory - Prisoners Dilemma Solved?
117 A New Computational Universe - Fredkin's SALT CA
118 What's a Sample of Size One Worth?
119 A Computable Universe - Roger Penrose On Nature As Computation
120 Hidden Markov Models, Viterbi and the Higgs Boson
121 A New Kind of Science Is Ten
122 Goldbach Conjecture - Closer to Solved?
123 Travelling Salesman - A Movie About P=NP
124 The Artificial Life of the App Store - the Best Strategy to Succeed
125 The Physical Travelling Salesman Challenge
126 Light Table - a Realization of a New Way to Code
127 A Crab-Based Computer
128 Szemerédi Awarded Abel Prize
129 Picture-Hanging Puzzles
130 Normal Numbers - A Video In Rhyme
131 Celebrate Pi Day It Contains All Human Knowledge
132 A Better Way To Program
133 Classic Nintendo Games Are NP Hard
134 Physics Is NP Hard
135 Turing's Biological Pattern Theory Proved
136 Just Enough Error Correction
137 $100,000 Prize For Proving Quantum Computers Are Impossible
138 Sorting Algorithms As A Video
139 Join the Reddit Read Through of Godel, Escher, Bach
140 The World's Ugliest Music - More than Random
141 Breakthrough! Faster Matrix Multiply
142 Pancake flipping is hard - NP hard
143 The KDD cup - good for algorithms
144 Fun with fractal squiggles
145 Random Means Random - The Green Card Fiasco
146 Slime mould simulates Canadian transport system
147 Rubik's Cube - The Order of God's Number
148 Collatz conjecture proved?
149 60 Trillionth Binary Digit of Pi-Squared Calculated
150 Knuth Prize 2011 Goes to Microsoft Researcher
151 The maximum overhang algorithm
152 DARPA spends $20 million on homomorphic encryption
153 Knuth at Google Tech Talks
154 Queuing theory revealed (Video)
155 Algorithms Beat Moore's Law
156 Wolfram thinks the future is natural language
157 Comic inspires visualization technique
158 More than 48 cores might be too many
159 Yahoo! Gets to the 2 Quadrillionth bit of Pi - it's zero
160 Update on the Proof of P≠NP?
161 Rubik's Cube Breakthrough
162 Proof of P≠NP?
163 5 Trillion Digits of Pi - New world record
164 Free summer reading - Robotics, AI and UX
165 Zip for the Genome - G-SQueeZ
166 Modifiable encryption
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