Here is I Programmer's final weekly digest of 2023. It lists the news and articles published during the seven days period that included Christmas, with the annual Donald Knuth Lecture and the GCHQ Christmas Challenge, and the anniversary of the birth of Charles Babbage. We also have shocking news from Mozilla.
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December 21 - 27, 2023
Featured Articles
Applying C - Memory Mapped Files 26 Dec | Harry Fairhead
Every thing is a file - except when it is mapped to memory and when the file in the first place is a memory pseudo file. Confused? It really is simple once you read this extract is from my book on using C in an IoT context.
The Trick Of The Mind - Top Down 22 Dec | Mike James
How do you best solve a problem is the same question as how do you best write a program. The answer in most cases is top down. This is an extract from my book Trick of the Mind which explores what it is to be a programmer.
Programming News and Views
Firefox In Peril While Mozilla Rewards CEO 27 Dec | Sue Gee
Although the rate of decline has decreased, Firefox has continued to experience a fall in its number of users during 2023 and is now in imminent danger of another nail in its coffin. UPDATE: CEO Mitchell Baker's total compensation package for 2022 was almost $7 million dollars, up by 23% on the previous year.
KSP2 Adds Kotlin K2 Support 27 Dec | Mike James
Google has announced the preview version of KSP2, the next version of the Kotlin Symbol Processing tool which is a good way to meta program.
Make Your Own Games Easily With The Cave Engine 26 Dec | Nikos Vaggalis
Cave Engine is a simple 3D desktop Game Engine scriptable in Python, therefore offering the perfect opportunity for getting into game development during the Christmas holiday season!
Charles Babbage Born This Day In 1791 26 Dec | Sue Gee
Today we celebrate the birth of Charles Babbage, the man who invented calculating machines that, although they were never realized in his lifetime, are rightly seen as the forerunners of modern programmable computers.
Trees And Heaps For Xmas - A Programmer At Xmas 24 Dec | Mike James
'Tis that time of year when it is OK to use the word 'tis. Programmers are a funny lot, keen and eager to program, but they too are forced to stand away from the keyboard and stop coding. Why exactly? Well there are festive treats to open and consume and Xmas is a CS problem in its own right.
Donald Knuth's Christmas Lecture 2023 22 Dec | Mike James
It's getting to feel a lot like Xmas. Well it;s that time of year again and we have the 2023 Knuth Christmas Lecture. Can you remember when it was the Christmas Tree lecture? Well this year it's dancing cells a close relative of dancing links.
GCHQ Christmas Challenge Harder Than Ever 22 Dec | Sue Gee
This year the GCHQ Christmas Challenge has been designed for schools and colleges. However, GCHQ is encouraging the wider public to take on the challenge, which it claims is the toughest yet, and both the Challenge and its solution is available.
Huawei HarmonyOS Developer Push 21 Dec | Kay Ewbank
Forbes Asia has reported that Chinese Telecoms company Huawei has organized an event at which hundreds of technical experts from China's larges companies received training to become developers on Huawei HarmonyOS Next.
Microsoft Updates Python VS Code Extension 21 Dec | Mike James
Microsoft has released improved extensions for Python and Jupyter for Visual Studio Code. The improvements include configurable debugging options and the ability to show the type hierarchy with Pylance.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software 2nd Ed
Top Book 2023 Author: Charles Petzold Publisher: Microsoft Press Date: August 2022 Pages: 480 ISBN: 978-0137909100 Rating: 5 Reviewer: Mike James Code! We all need to know about it.
Book Watch
Software Testing Strategies (Packt)
In this book, subtitled "A testing guide for the 2020s", Matthew Heusser and Michael Larsen cover a wide range of topics in the field of software testing, providing practical insights and strategies for professionals at every level. With equal emphasis on theoretical knowledge and practical application, this book is a valuable resource for programmers, testers, and anyone involved in software development.
I, Nobot (ORO Editions)
The book is a graphic novella written by two self-realized nobots who aim to help nearly seven billion fellow biological nobots (also known as humans) realize their true nature. The nobots argue that this is the first time two self-realized nobots have written a book together, and that their perspective can help bridge the gap between nobots and humans.
I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.
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